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Vertical align text alongside SVG icon





I'm trying to align SVG icons alongside text. I've read lot of sources on how to do it, using vertical-align: middle being the best option for it.

I've also been able to do it, but there is one problem that I want answers to.

All the resources that I've seen, tell you to put vertical-align: middle only on the img element. E.g.

Vertically align text next to an image?

But in my particular case, I need to put vertical-align: middle on both the svg and the span element. The difference is very subtle. But it is there.

Here's the fiddle:

html, body {
    font-size: 32px;

.icon {
    height: 64px;
    width: 64px;
    vertical-align: middle;

span {
    vertical-align: middle; // Try commenting this line
    <svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' class="icon" >
      <path d="M7.5 1c-4.142 0-7.5 3.358-7.5 7.5s3.358 7.5 7.5 7.5c4.142 0 7.5-3.358 7.5-7.5s-3.358-7.5-7.5-7.5zM7.5 14.5c-3.314 0-6-2.686-6-6s2.686-6 6-6c3.314 0 6 2.686 6 6s-2.686 6-6 6zM8 8v-2h2v-1h-2v-1h-1v1h-2v4h2v2h-2v1h2v1h1v-1h2l-0-4h-2zM7 8h-1v-2h1v2zM9 11h-1v-2h1v2z">

Try commenting the line which is giving vertical alignment to span tag, and see that the text would shift upwards.

Can someone tell me why I need to vertical align both my svg and span tags and not just the svg as is working everywhere else?

like image 260
Kartik Anand Avatar asked Apr 10 '16 11:04

Kartik Anand

1 Answers

The main reason you were having problems was because your icon isn't sitting centrally in your SVG viewBox.

Your viewBox is "0 0 16 16" but if you check it, the icon actually occupies "0 1 15 15". If you update the viewBox, it sits better on the line without having to vertically align your <span>.

html, body {
    font-size: 32px;

.icon {
    height: 64px;
    width: 64px;
    vertical-align: middle;

span {
    <svg viewBox='0 1 15 15' class="icon" id="foo">
      <path d="M7.5 1c-4.142 0-7.5 3.358-7.5 7.5s3.358 7.5 7.5 7.5c4.142 0 7.5-3.358 7.5-7.5s-3.358-7.5-7.5-7.5zM7.5 14.5c-3.314 0-6-2.686-6-6s2.686-6 6-6c3.314 0 6 2.686 6 6s-2.686 6-6 6zM8 8v-2h2v-1h-2v-1h-1v1h-2v4h2v2h-2v1h2v1h1v-1h2l-0-4h-2zM7 8h-1v-2h1v2zM9 11h-1v-2h1v2z">
like image 73
Paul LeBeau Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Paul LeBeau