I am looking for a way to convert a textfile with UTF8 encoding to ANSI encoding.
How can i go around and achieve this in Visual Basic (VB6) and or vbscript?
I'm using this script to convert any character set or code page (that i'm aware of).
This script can also handle large files (over one gigabytes), because it streams one line at a time.
' - ConvertCharset.vbs -
' Inspired by:
' http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?533879-Generate-text-files-in-IBM-850-encoding
' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5182102/vb6-vbscript-change-file-encoding-to-ansii/5186170#5186170
' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13130214/how-to-convert-a-batch-file-stored-in-utf-8-to-something-that-works-via-another
' Start Main
Dim objArguments
Dim strSyntaxtext, strInputCharset, strOutputCharset, strInputFile, strOutputFile
Dim intReadPosition, intWritePosition
Dim arrCharsets
Const adReadAll = -1
Const adReadLine = -2
Const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2
Const adSaveCreateNotExist = 1
Const adTypeBinary = 1
Const adTypeText = 2
Const adWriteChar = 0
Const adWriteLine = 1
strSyntaxtext = strSyntaxtext & "Converts the charset of the input text file to output file." & vbCrLf
strSyntaxtext = strSyntaxtext & "Syntax: " & vbCrLf
strSyntaxtext = strSyntaxtext & WScript.ScriptName & " /InputCharset:utf-8|windows-1252|ibm850|..." & vbCrLf
strSyntaxtext = strSyntaxtext & " /OutputCharset:utf-8|windows-1252|ibm850|..." & vbCrLf
strSyntaxtext = strSyntaxtext & " /InputFile:\\path\to\inputfile.ext" & vbCrLf
strSyntaxtext = strSyntaxtext & " /OutputFile:\\path\to\outputfile.ext" & vbCrLf
strSyntaxtext = strSyntaxtext & " [/ShowAllCharSets]" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
strSyntaxtext = strSyntaxtext & "Example:" & vbCrLf
strSyntaxtext = strSyntaxtext & WScript.ScriptName & " /InputCharset:ibm850 /OutputCharset:utf-8 /InputFile:my_dos.txt /OutputFile:my_utf-8.txt" & vbCrLf
Set objArgumentsNamed = WScript.Arguments.Named
If objArgumentsNamed.Count = 0 Then
WScript.Echo strSyntaxtext
End If
arrCharsets = Split("big5,big5-hkscs,euc-jp,euc-kr,gb18030,gb2312,gbk,ibm-thai," &_
"ibm00858,ibm01140,ibm01141,ibm01142,ibm01143,ibm01144," &_
"ibm01145,ibm01146,ibm01147,ibm01148,ibm01149,ibm037," &_
"ibm1026,ibm273,ibm277,ibm278,ibm280,ibm284,ibm285,ibm297," &_
"ibm420,ibm424,ibm437,ibm500,ibm775,ibm850,ibm852,ibm855," &_
"ibm857,ibm860,ibm861,ibm862,ibm863,ibm864,ibm865,ibm866," &_
"ibm869,ibm870,ibm871,iso-2022-jp,iso-2022-kr,iso-8859-1," &_
"iso-8859-13,iso-8859-15,iso-8859-2,iso-8859-3,iso-8859-4," &_
"iso-8859-5,iso-8859-6,iso-8859-7,iso-8859-8,iso-8859-9," &_
"koi8-r,koi8-u,shift_jis,tis-620,us-ascii,utf-16,utf-16be," &_
"utf-16le,utf-7,utf-8,windows-1250,windows-1251,windows-1252," &_
"windows-1253,windows-1254,windows-1255,windows-1256," &_
"windows-1257,windows-1258,unicode", ",")
Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each objArgumentNamed in objArgumentsNamed
Select Case Lcase(objArgumentNamed)
Case "inputcharset"
strInputCharset = LCase(objArgumentsNamed(objArgumentNamed))
If Not IsCharset(strInputCharset) Then
WScript.Echo "The InputCharset (" & strInputCharset & ") is not valid, quitting. The valid charsets are:" & vbCrLf
x = ShowCharsets()
End If
Case "outputcharset"
strOutputCharset = LCase(objArgumentsNamed(objArgumentNamed))
If Not IsCharset(strOutputCharset) Then
WScript.Echo "The strOutputCharset (" & strOutputCharset & ") is not valid, quitting. The valid charsets are:" & vbCrLf
x = ShowCharsets()
End If
Case "inputfile"
strInputFile = LCase(objArgumentsNamed(objArgumentNamed))
If Not objFileSystem.FileExists(strInputFile) Then
WScript.Echo "The InputFile (" & strInputFile & ") does not exist, quitting." & vbCrLf
End If
Case "outputfile"
strOutputFile = LCase(objArgumentsNamed(objArgumentNamed))
If objFileSystem.FileExists(strOutputFile) Then
WScript.Echo "The OutputFile (" & strOutputFile & ") exists, quitting." & vbCrLf
End If
Case "showallcharsets"
x = ShowCharsets()
Case Else
WScript.Echo "Unknown parameter, quitting: /" & objArgumentNamed & ":" & objArgumentsNamed(objArgumentNamed)
WScript.Echo strSyntaxtext
End Select
If Len(strInputCharset) > 0 And Len(strOutputCharset) > 0 And Len(strInputFile) > 0 And Len(strOutputFile) Then
Set objInputStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
Set objOutputStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
With objInputStream
.Type = adTypeBinary
.LoadFromFile strInputFile
.Type = adTypeText
.Charset = strInputCharset
intWritePosition = 0
objOutputStream.Charset = strOutputCharset
Do While .EOS <> True
strText = .ReadText(adReadLine)
objOutputStream.WriteText strText, adWriteLine
End With
objOutputStream.SaveToFile strOutputFile , adSaveCreateNotExist
WScript.Echo "The " & objFileSystem.GetFileName(strInputFile) & " was converted to " & objFileSystem.GetFileName(strOutputFile) & " OK."
End If
' End Main
' Start Functions
Function IsCharset(strMyCharset)
IsCharset = False
For Each strCharset in arrCharsets
If strCharset = strMyCharset Then
IsCharset = True
Exit For
End If
End Function
Function ShowCharsets()
strDisplayCharsets = ""
intCounter = 0
For Each strcharset in arrCharsets
intCounter = intCounter + Len(strcharset) + 1
strDisplayCharsets = strDisplayCharsets & strcharset & ","
If intCounter > 67 Then
intCounter = 0
strDisplayCharsets = strDisplayCharsets & vbCrLf
End If
strDisplayCharsets = Mid(strDisplayCharsets, 1, Len(strDisplayCharsets)-1)
WScript.Echo strDisplayCharsets
End Function
' End Functions
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