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Delete Hidden/Invisible Rows after Autofilter Excel VBA




I guess this is pretty straight forward, but for some reason it just does not seem to work for me :(

I have the below code which auto-filters the data based on the criteria that I have specified:

Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = Sheet2.Cells(Sheet2.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

With Sheet2
    .AutoFilterMode = False

    With .Range("A1:AF" & lastrow)
    .AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:="Yes", Operator:=xlFilterValues

    End With

What I am now looking to do is delete all the Unfiltered (Hidden) rows that do not fit the criteria.

I tried so far:

Sub RemoveHiddenRows 
Dim oRow As Object 
For Each oRow In Sheets("Sheet2").Rows 
If oRow.Hidden Then oRow.Delete 
End Sub 

But the problem with this code is that it would only remove every other row of consecutive hidden rows because the each increments the row considered even when a row has been deleted and all lower rows have moved up one.

Also I would prefer something without a loop if it's possible, kind of like the opposite of .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete

All help will be highly appreciated.

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CaptainABC Avatar asked Mar 08 '14 21:03


People also ask

How do I remove hidden rows after Filter in Excel?

Once the data is filtered, you can delete only the filtered rows by selecting the filtered data and pressing the "Ctrl" and "-" keys on your keyboard at the same time. This will open the "Delete" dialog box. Make sure that the "Shift cells up" option is selected and then click the "OK" button.

How do I delete all visible rows in Excel VBA?

To delete an entire row in Excel using VBA, you need to use the EntireRow. Delete method. The above code first specifies the row that needs to be deleted (which is done by specifying the number in bracket) and then uses the EntireRow. Delete method to delete it.

1 Answers

I used Dmitry Pavliv's solution for my filtered table and it worked (thanks!) but would intermittently give error: "delete method of range class failed" error.

Error seemed to occur when only one hidden row was to be deleted. It may or may not be of significance that the lone hidden row was right under the table header.

Stepping through the code, rng pointed to correct cell, and showed just the single cell. It was probably an issue with using a Table instead of named range, though other hidden rows deleted fine in same table format.

Macro has been working fine after I modified the last portion of the code from this:

If Not rng Is Nothing Then rng.EntireRow.Delete

To this:

If rng.Rows.Count = 1 Then
   ws.Rows(rng.Row & ":" & rng.Row).Delete
ElseIf rng Is Nothing Then
End If

For some reason, deleting that single row in this format works. I'm not quite sure why. The rng object is pointing to the correct cell and I'm using it to get the row number, so not sure why it's not working in rng.entirerow.delete statement. Oh well. Sharing as came across many posts with same error unresolved.

like image 112
Qudsia Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09
