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Variable value changes after pushing in array [duplicate]

So I was testing this little peace of code:

  var newData = {}, graphs = []
  for(var j=0; j<2; j++){
    newData["name"] = 'value '+ j

I've got the following output in the webconsole:

value 0 
Array [ Object ] 
value 1 
Array [ Object, Object ]

All Objects in the Arrays have the exact same Values:

name:"value 1"

I am really struggling with this because I don't change any values and the name is still changed in the same loop.

Thanks for your answers in advance!

like image 757
GuyWithCookies Avatar asked Mar 11 '16 12:03


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1 Answers

Putting an object into an array in javascript means you're putting a reference to that object in the array rather than the value of that object. In your example, you create a single object, newData and you change the name property on that object in your loop. That means that at the end of the loop you're left with a newData object with {'name': 'value 2'}

When you then take a look at graphs[0], it will tell you that it contains a reference to newData which looks like {'name': 'value 2'}. The same holds for graphs[1]

you can solve this by making a new object each time in your array as such:

graphs = []
for(var j=0; j<2; j++){
  var newData = {}
  newData["name"] = 'value '+ j
like image 103
Matthijs Brouns Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09

Matthijs Brouns