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How to extract only date from moment object



I am using moment object for date. and for that i wrote

dateOnly = moment(date.format("MM/DD/YYYY"));
var ndate = dateOnly.toDate();

I want to display only date on front end but it is showing me in this format that I don't want

Mon Feb 22 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

like image 844
Sayili Arya Avatar asked Feb 22 '16 06:02

Sayili Arya

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2 Answers

You can use moment's format function to display date in the format you want to

moment().format('MM/DD/YYYY'); // "02/22/2016"

You can go through all the available formats here


like image 80
satish Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10


var dateOnly = moment(date).format('MM/DD/YYYY'); // for formatted dates.
yesterday= moment(date).subtract(1,'days') // for previous day 
//you can replace days with months and years.
tomorrow= moment(date).add(1,'days') // for upcoming day 
//you can replace days with months and years. 
var date1= moment(yesterday)
var date2= moment(tomorrow)
differencebetweenmoments =moment(date1).diff(moment(date2),'days');
like image 27
Sakif Abu Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 17:10

Sakif Abu