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Validation Exception Mapper not returning JSON format

I am using Jersey 2.5.1 as jax-rs implementation and I use Moxy as JSON serialiser. I configured Jersey to print validation errors to output in web.xml.


That works fine as validation errors are returned in plain text (text/plain). The problem is that I would like to get validation error messages in JSON format and according to Jersey documentation in order to do this a JSON provider must be configured to this. As far as I know it Moxy is configured as a JSON provider when its dependencies are attached to classpath. Unfortunately my validation errors are not returned in JSON (application/json) format. What can be wrong. Do I have to configure extra bits?

P.s. when I debug ValidationExceptionMapper following code returns Variant object with media type text/plain

if (property != null && Boolean.valueOf(property.toString())) {
            final List<Variant> variants = Variant.mediaTypes(
            final Variant variant = request.get().selectVariant(variants);
            if (variant != null) {
            } else {

                // default media type which will be used only when none media type from {@value variants} is in accept
                // header of original request.
                // could be settable by configuration property.
                    new GenericEntity<List<ValidationError>>(
                            new GenericType<List<ValidationError>>() {}.getType()
like image 232
Bart Avatar asked Jan 06 '14 22:01


1 Answers

As I mentioned in the comment the reason for not returning JSON format was due to the fact that I was sending header:

Accept: */*

It must be set to:

Accept: application/json

in order work properly.

like image 163
Bart Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11
