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Using `xcodebuild` to do a command line builds for Catalyst/UIKit for Mac?

I cannot see this documented anywhere — has anyine figured our how to use xcodebuild to build a propject for UIKIt for Mac (i.e. Catalyst)?

You can specify "-sdk iphoneos" vs "-sdk iphonesimulator" to toggle between those two targets, but "-sdk uikitformac" does not seem to work ("SDK not found"), despite Xcode itself using that nomenclature (e.g., it builds to a "Debug-uikitformac" folder, etc). i also tried different SDK values that might have made sense (such as "-sdk macabi"), but no avail.


like image 806
marc hoffman Avatar asked Jul 10 '19 20:07

marc hoffman

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2 Answers

Add script file to your projects folder:

SCHEME=TestFramework \
ARCHS=~/Documents/Archives \

SCHEME is the name of build scheme in Xcode.

Lets build macCatalyst archive:

#----- Make macCatalyst archive
xcodebuild archive \
-scheme $SCHEME \
-archivePath $ARCHS/macCatalyst.xcarchive \
-sdk macosx \

Also you can add other platforms like iOS device or Simulator:

#----- Make iOS Simulator archive
xcodebuild archive \
-scheme $SCHEME \
-archivePath $ARCHS/simulator.xcarchive \
-sdk iphonesimulator \

#----- Make iOS device archive
xcodebuild archive \
-scheme $SCHEME \
-archivePath $ARCHS/iosdevice.xcarchive \
-sdk iphoneos \

To include everything in XCFramework use:

#----- Make XCFramework
xcodebuild -create-xcframework \
-framework $ARCHS/simulator.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/$SCHEME.framework \
-framework $ARCHS/iosdevice.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/$SCHEME.framework \
-framework $ARCHS/macCatalyst.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/$SCHEME.framework \
-output ~/Documents/$SCHEME.xcframework

After running you will find your XCFramework in your Documents folder.

like image 133
Nikolay Tabunchenko Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10

Nikolay Tabunchenko


xcodebuild -configuration "Debug" ARCHS="x86_64h" \
  -destination 'platform=macOS,variant=Mac Catalyst' \
  -project "MyApp.xcodeproj"

(note the extra 'h' on the architecture)

like image 33
Rodrigo Gomez-Palacio Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 07:10

Rodrigo Gomez-Palacio