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Using VS Code Snippets with Resharper

People also ask

Can I use ReSharper in Vscode?

Yes! We use free tool of JetBrains ReSharper called ReSharper Command Line tool for this extension.

How do you use snippets in visual code?

To create or edit your own snippets, select User Snippets under File > Preferences (Code > Preferences on macOS), and then select the language (by language identifier) for which the snippets should appear, or the New Global Snippets file option if they should appear for all languages.

What can you do with ReSharper?

ReSharper helps instantly get to any code in a solution, no matter how large the solution is. It can also navigate you from any symbol to its related code such as implementations of a given interface, extension methods of a class, or usages of a field.

How use ReSharper code review?

ReSharper helps you resolve most of the discovered code issues automatically. All you need is to press Alt+Enter when the caret is on a code issue highlighted in the editor and check the suggested quick-fixes.

Press CTRL+J then type your snippet shortcut... this is mentioned here on the Resharper site

This answer demonstrates another work around.

  1. Right-clicking in your code editor and selecting "Insert Snippet"

  2. CTRL+K,X

This is what I am using to use mvvmlight snippets.

I have the same problem and would gladly see a solution. The snippets work even though they won't show up in the intellisense popup, so if you hit "cr"+tab you would probably get the snippet anyway.

There is a "workaround" though. If you go to open the ReSharper settings and Environment->IntelliSense->General and change from ReSharper to Visual Studio intellisense mode. This will make your snippets show as expected, however some of the resharper intellisense additions won't be available.

I've tried with the latest nightly build of ReSharper 5.1 and it's still not fixed, unfortunately.

Hope this helps.