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Using VB.NET IIF I get NullReferenceException

I am doing a little debugging, and so I want to log the eventArgs value

I have a simple line that basically does:

logLine = "e.Value: " + IIf(e.Value Is Nothing, "", e.Value.ToString()) 

The way I understand the IIF function, if the e.Value is Nothing (null) then it should return the empty string, if not it should return the .ToString of the value. I am, however getting a NullReferenceException. This doesn't make sense to me.

Any idea's?

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Nathan Koop Avatar asked Jan 09 '09 17:01

Nathan Koop

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2 Answers

IIf is an actual function, so all arguments get evaluated. The If keyword was added to VB.NET 2008 to provide the short-circuit functionality you're expecting.


logLine = "e.Value: " + If(e.Value Is Nothing, "", e.Value.ToString()) 
like image 116
bdukes Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09


VB does not do short-circuiting evaluation in Iif. In your case, e.Value.ToString() is being evaluated no matter whether e.Value is nothing.

like image 30
Chris Farmer Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 20:09

Chris Farmer