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What exception type to use when a property cannot be null?





In my application I need to throw an exception if a property of a specific class is null or empty (in case it's a string). I'm not sure what is the best exception to use in this case. I would hate to create a new exception and I'm not sure if ArgumentNullException is appropriate in this case.

Should I create a new exception or there's an exception I can use?

I don't mind to throw an ApplicationException.

like image 956
Vadim Avatar asked Sep 28 '09 17:09


People also ask

Can exceptions be null?

A NullReferenceException exception is thrown by a method that is passed null . Some methods validate the arguments that are passed to them. If they do and one of the arguments is null , the method throws an System.

What is null reference exception?

The runtime throwing a NullReferenceException always means the same thing: you are trying to use a reference, and the reference is not initialized (or it was once initialized, but is no longer initialized). This means the reference is null , and you cannot access members (such as methods) through a null reference.

IS null exception C#?

The NullReferenceException is an exception that will be thrown while accessing a null object. In the above example, a NullReferenceException will be thrown in the DisplayCities() function while accessing cities list using a foreach loop because the cities list is null.

2 Answers

The MSDN guidelines for standard exceptions states:

Do use value for the name of the implicit value parameter of property setters.

The following code example shows a property that throws an exception if the caller passes a null argument.

public IPAddress Address {     get     {         return address;     }     set     {         if(value == null)         {             throw new ArgumentNullException("value");         }         address = value;     } } 

Additionally, the MSDN guidelines for property design say:

Avoid throwing exceptions from property getters.

Property getters should be simple operations without any preconditions. If a getter might throw an exception, consider redesigning the property to be a method. This recommendation does not apply to indexers. Indexers can throw exceptions because of invalid arguments.

It is valid and acceptable to throw exceptions from a property setter.

So throw ArgumentNullException in the setter on null, and ArgumentException on the empty string, and do nothing in the getter. Since the setter throws and only you have access to the backing field, it's easy to make sure it won't contain an invalid value. Having the getter throw is then pointless. This might however be a good spot to use Debug.Assert.

If you really can't provide an appropriate default, then I suppose you have three options:

  1. Just return whatever is in the property and document this behaviour as part of the usage contract. Let the caller deal with it. You might also demand a valid value in the constructor. This might be completely inappropriate for your application though.

  2. Replace the property by methods: A setter method that throws when passed an invalid value, and a getter method that throws InvalidOperationException when the property was never assigned a valid value.

  3. Throw InvalidOperationException from the getter, as you could consider 'property has never been assigned' an invalid state. While you shouldn't normally throw from getters, I suppose this might be a good reason to make an exception.

If you choose options 2 or 3, you should also include a TryGet- method that returns a bool which indicates if the property has been set to a valid value, and if so returns that value in an out parameter. Otherwise you force callers to be prepared to handle an InvalidOperationException, unless they have previously set the property themselves and thus know it won't throw. Compare int.Parse versus int.TryParse.

I'd suggest using option 2 with the TryGet method. It doesn't violate any guidelines and imposes minimal requirements on the calling code.

About the other suggestions
ApplicationException is way too general. ArgumentException is a bit too general for null, but fine otherwise. MSDN docs again:

Do throw the most specific (the most derived) exception that is appropriate. For example, if a method receives a null (Nothing in Visual Basic) argument, it should throw System.ArgumentNullException instead of its base type System.ArgumentException.

In fact you shouldn't use ApplicationException at all (docs):

Do derive custom exceptions from the T:System.Exception class rather than the T:System.ApplicationException class.

It was originally thought that custom exceptions should derive from the ApplicationException class; however, this has not been found to add significant value. For more information, see Best Practices for Handling Exceptions.

InvalidOperationException is intended not for when the arguments to a method or property are invalid, but for when the operation as a whole is invalid (docs). It should not be thrown from the setter:

Do throw a System.InvalidOperationException exception if in an inappropriate state. System.InvalidOperationException should be thrown if a property set or a method call is not appropriate given the object's current state. For example, writing to a System.IO.FileStream that has been opened for reading should throw a System.InvalidOperationException exception.

Incidentally, InvalidOperationException is for when the operation is invalid for the object's current state. If the operation is always invalid for the entire class, you should use NotSupportedException.

like image 112
Joren Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09


I would throw an InvalidOperationException. MSDN says it "is thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state."

like image 20
bdukes Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
