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Using SSH Key on Dataflow workers to pull private library

I'm setting up a dataflow job and for this job the workers need access to a private bitbucket repository to install a library to process the data. In order to grant access to the dataflow workers, I have set up a pair of SSH keys (public & private). I managed to get the private key onto my dataflow worker. When trying to pip install the package via git+ssh I'm getting an error Host key verification failed.

I have tried to look for the .ssh/known_hosts file on the dataflow worker but this is not as straight forward then on a regular VM.

Alternatively, I have set it up myself via the following commands but this did not work as well:

mkdir -p ~/.ssh
chmod 0700 ~/.ssh
ssh-keyscan bitbucket.org > ~/.ssh/known_hosts

I still get the Host key verification failed error.

An alternative suggested fix for this problem is to run ssh-keygen -R bitbucket.org but then I get following error: mkstemp: No such file or directory

For Dataflow Python SDK, you need to package your code with a setup.py. All the commands to be executed upon worker start-up are written with subprocess.Popen. The list of commands is as follows:

    # decrypt key encrypted key in repository via gcloud kms
    ['gcloud', '-v'],
    ['gcloud', 'kms', 'decrypt', '--location', 'global', '--keyring',
     'bitbucketpackages', '--key', 'package', '--plaintext-file',
     'bb_package_key_decrypted', '--ciphertext-file', 'bb_package_key'],
    ['chmod', '700', 'bb_package_key_decrypted'],
    # install git & ssh
    ['apt-get', 'update'],
    ['apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'openssh-server'],
    ['apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'git'],
    # add bitbucket.org as known host
    ['mkdir', '-p', '~/.ssh'],
    ['chmod', '0700', '~/.ssh'],
    ['ssh-keyscan', 'bitbucket.org', '>', '~/.ssh/known_hosts'],
    # other attempts to fix it
    # ['ssh-keygen', '-R', 'bitbucket.org']
    # pip install
    ['sh', '-c', 'GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ./bb_package_key_decrypted" pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/team/repo.git'],
like image 352
Sven.DG Avatar asked May 24 '19 07:05


People also ask

What does ssh Keyscan do?

ssh-keyscan is a command for gathering the public host keys for a number of hosts. It aids in building and verifying ssh_known_hosts files. ssh-keyscan provides a minimal interface suitable for use by shell and Perl scripts.

How do I make my SSH key private on Google cloud?

Open a terminal and use the ssh-keygen command with the -C flag to create a new SSH key pair. Replace the following: KEY_FILENAME : the name for your SSH key file. For example, a filename of my-ssh-key generates a private key file named my-ssh-key and a public key file named my-ssh-key.

1 Answers

Try updating ssh-keyscan to write to some temp path and then passing the known hosts file location as a part of the GIT_SSH_COMMAND. For example, I would update your script to be:

    # decrypt key encrypted key in repository via gcloud kms
    ['gcloud', '-v'],
    ['gcloud', 'kms', 'decrypt', '--location', 'global', '--keyring',
     'bitbucketpackages', '--key', 'package', '--plaintext-file',
     'bb_package_key_decrypted', '--ciphertext-file', 'bb_package_key'],
    ['chmod', '700', 'bb_package_key_decrypted'],
    # install git & ssh
    ['apt-get', 'update'],
    ['apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'openssh-server'],
    ['apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'git'],
    # add bitbucket.org as known host
    ['mkdir', '-p', '~/.ssh'],
    ['chmod', '0700', '~/.ssh'],
    ['ssh-keyscan', 'bitbucket.org', '>', '/tmp/bit_bucket_known_hosts'],
    # other attempts to fix it
    # ['ssh-keygen', '-R', 'bitbucket.org']
    # pip install
    ['sh', '-c', 'GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/tmp/bit_bucket_known_hosts -i ./bb_package_key_decrypted" pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/team/repo.git'],
like image 119
Lukasz Cwik Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 16:11

Lukasz Cwik