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Using size of one array in another array

// sizeofarray.cpp
#include <iostream>
template <typename T,int N>
int size(T (&Array)[N])
  return N;

int main()
   char p[]="Je suis trop bon, et vous?";
   char q[size(p)]; // (A)
   return 0;

I heard that an array size in C++ must be a constant expression. So char q[size(p)] is invalid, am I right? But I got no errors when I tried

 g++ -Wall sizeofarray.cpp


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Ideone Avatar asked Sep 30 '10 13:09


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1 Answers

Like Prasoon says, it's not a constant expression. For now, you can get a constant-expression value of the size of an array like this:

template <std::size_t N>
struct type_of_size
    typedef char type[N];

template <typename T, std::size_t Size>
typename type_of_size<Size>::type& sizeof_array_helper(T(&)[Size]);

#define sizeof_array(pArray) sizeof(sizeof_array_helper(pArray))

Explanation here. You basically encode the size of the array into the size of a type, then get the sizeof of that type, giving you:

char q[sizeof_array(p)];
like image 158
GManNickG Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10
