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Using R to download newest files from ftp-server





I have a a number of files named

FileA2014-03-05-10-24-12 FileB2014-03-06-10-25-12 

Where the part "2014-03-05-10-24-12" means "Year/Day/Month/Hours/Minutes/Seconds/". These files reside on a ftp-server. I would like to use R to connect to the ftp-server and download whatever file is newest based on date.

I have started trying to list the content, using RCurl and dirlistonly. Next step will be to try to parse and find the newest file. Not quite there yet...

library(RCurl) getURL("ftpserver/",verbose=TRUE,dirlistonly = TRUE)  
like image 833
Alexander Avatar asked Mar 06 '14 20:03


People also ask

What command will download files from an FTP server?

The FTP commands for downloading files are “get” and “mget” which are used for downloading single or multiple files respectively.

1 Answers

This should work

library(RCurl) url <- "ftp://yourServer" userpwd <- "yourUser:yourPass" filenames <- getURL(url, userpwd = userpwd,              ftp.use.epsv = FALSE,dirlistonly = TRUE)  


times<-lapply(strsplit(filenames,"[-.]"),function(x){   time<-paste(c(substr(x[1], nchar(x[1])-3, nchar(x[1])),x[2:6]),         collapse="-")   time<-as.POSIXct(time, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", tz="GMT") }) ind <- which.max(times) dat <- try(getURL(paste(url,filenames[ind],sep=""), userpwd = userpwd)) 

So datis now containing the newest file

To make it reproduceable: all others can use this instead of the upper part use

like image 160
Rentrop Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 17:09
