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Using org-capture-templates with mu4e

I'm trying to create a template using org-capture templates when using mu4e. When viewing a message in mu4e:view mode, I can call org-capture-templates with a keystroke and then add a reminder in a file with a link to the message. Something like this:

* NEXT Respond to Person A on Message Subject 
SCHEDULED: <2013-06-22 Sat>
[2013-06-22 Sat 22:05]
Email subject linked to mu4e message

Here's the template in my .emacs:

(setq org-capture-templates
(quote (("r" "respond" entry (file "~/refile.org")
"* NEXT Respond to %:from on %:subject\nSCHEDULED: %t\n%U\n%a\n\n" 
 :clock-in t :clock-resume t :immediate-finish t)))) 

But the variables in section of the orgmode official manual are not set in mu4e. My guess is it should be set in the following function in org-mu4e.el. See the 3 lines marked by a comment I added, but this does not solve the problem. The link (%a) gets initialized, but not :to, :from and :subject.

If I debug, I can see the function call to org-store-link-props looks like this:

org-store-link-props(:type "mu4e" :from (("Person Name" . "[email protected]"))
:to (("Me Surname" . "[email protected]")) :subject "Re: Subject of Email" 
:message-id "message-id")

However, the template evaluates to:

* NEXT Respond to %:from on %:subject
SCHEDULED: <2013-06-23 Sun>
[2013-06-23 Sun 21:08]

Thanks for the help - this is the final function that works for me:

(defun org-mu4e-store-link ()
"Store a link to a mu4e query or message."
 ;; storing links to queries
 ((eq major-mode 'mu4e-headers-mode)
  (let* ((query (mu4e-last-query))
      desc link)
(org-store-link-props :type "mu4e" :query query)
  desc (concat "mu4e:query:" query)
  link desc)
(org-add-link-props :link link :description desc)
  ;; storing links to messages
((eq major-mode 'mu4e-view-mode)
  (let* ((msg  (mu4e-message-at-point))
     (msgid   (or (plist-get msg :message-id) "<none>"))
     (from (car (car (mu4e-message-field msg :from))))
     (to (car (car (mu4e-message-field msg :to))))
     (subject (mu4e-message-field msg :subject))
   (setq link (concat "mu4e:msgid:" msgid))
   (org-store-link-props :type "mu4e" :link link
             :message-id msgid)
   (setq link (concat "mu4e:msgid:" msgid))
    :type "mu4e" :from from :to to :subject subject
          :message-id msgid)

   (org-add-link-props :link link
           :description (funcall org-mu4e-link-desc-func msg))

(org-add-link-type "mu4e" 'org-mu4e-open)
(add-hook 'org-store-link-functions 'org-mu4e-store-link)
like image 843
cheese Avatar asked Jun 22 '13 20:06


1 Answers

Something like this should work:

(setq from
   (let ((first (car (mu4e-message-field-at-point :from))))
     (if (car first)
       (format "%s <%s>" (car first) (cdr first))
       (cdr first))))
like image 53
djcb Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
