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Using Jest property matchers on arrays of objects

I am attempting to use Jest's new Property Matcher feature (since Jest 23.0.0) to match on an array of objects that contain a generated field. I have tried putting both a plain object and a matcher definition using expect.arrayContaining and expect.objectContaining like I might when matching manually. Is there any way to do this currently?

const sportsBallPeople = [   {     createdAt: new Date(),     name: 'That one famous guy from Cleveland'   },   {     createdAt: new Date(),     name: 'That tall guy'   } ]; expect(sportsBallPeople).toMatchSnapshot(<something goes here>); 
like image 639
giodamelio Avatar asked Jul 31 '18 17:07


People also ask

What's the difference between the toBe and toEqual matchers in Jest?

. toBe compares primitive values or checks referential identity of object instances while toEqual looks for deep equailty.

What are matchers in Jest?

Jest uses "matchers" to let you test values in different ways. This document will introduce some commonly used matchers. For the full list, see the expect API doc.

2 Answers

Version Info

As is noted in the question, property matchers were introduced in Jest 23.0.0. Note that apps bootstrapped with create-react-app as of today (Aug 5, 2018) are still < 23.


Here is an example using a property matcher for a single object:

test('sportsBallPerson', () => {   expect(sportsBallPeople[0]).toMatchSnapshot({     createdAt: expect.any(Date)   }) }); 

The snapshot generated:

exports[`sportsBallPerson 1`] = ` Object {   "createdAt": Any<Date>,   "name": "That one famous guy from Cleveland", } `; 

This will correctly match createdAt to any date and the name to exactly "That one famous guy from Cleveland".


To test an array of objects using property matchers use forEach to loop over the array and snapshot test each object individually:

test('sportsBallPeople', () => {   sportsBallPeople.forEach((sportsBallPerson) => {     expect(sportsBallPerson).toMatchSnapshot({       createdAt: expect.any(Date)     });   }); }); 

The snapshots generated:

exports[`sportsBallPeople 1`] = ` Object {   "createdAt": Any<Date>,   "name": "That one famous guy from Cleveland", } `;  exports[`sportsBallPeople 2`] = ` Object {   "createdAt": Any<Date>,   "name": "That tall guy", } `; 

forEach ensures that the objects are tested in order, and each object is properly snapshot tested as described above.

Additional Info

It is interesting to note that directly testing an array using property matchers does not work properly and has unexpected side-effects.

My first attempt to test an array was to create the following test:

test('sportsBallPeople as array', () => {   expect(sportsBallPeople).toMatchSnapshot([     { createdAt: expect.any(Date) },     { createdAt: expect.any(Date) }   ]); }); 

It generated the following snapshot:

exports[`sportsBallPeople as array 1`] = ` Array [   Object {     "createdAt": Any<Date>,   },   Object {     "createdAt": Any<Date>,   }, ] `; 

This is incorrect since the name properties are missing, but the test still passes (Jest v23.4.2). The test passes even if the names are changed and additional properties are added.

Even more interesting was that as soon as this test executed, any following tests using property matchers were adversely affected. For example, placing this test ahead of the the test looping over the objects changed those snapshots to the following:

exports[`sportsBallPeople 1`] = ` Object {   "createdAt": Any<Date>, } `;  exports[`sportsBallPeople 2`] = ` Object {   "createdAt": Any<Date>, } `; 

In summary, directly passing an array to use with property matchers does not work and can negatively affect other snapshot tests using property matchers.

like image 134
Brian Adams Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Brian Adams

To apply snapshot property matcher to each array entry without creating a separate assertion for each, we may create an array with length equal to the value's length filled with the matcher definition:

it('should return first 10 notes by default', async () => {   const noteMatcher = {     createdAt: expect.any(String),     updatedAt: expect.any(String),   }   const response = await app.inject({     method: 'GET',     url: `/examples/users/1/notes`,   })   const payload = response.json()   const { length } = payload.data    expect(response.statusCode).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`200`)   expect(length).toBe(10)   expect(payload).toMatchSnapshot({     data: new Array(length).fill(noteMatcher),   }) }) 

Will result in the following snapshot:

exports[`should return first 10 notes by default 2`] = ` Object {   "data": Array [     Object {       "createdAt": Any<String>,       "deletedAt": null,       "id": 1,       "note": "Note 1",       "title": "Title 1",       "updatedAt": Any<String>,       "userID": 1,     },     Object {       "createdAt": Any<String>,       "deletedAt": null,       "id": 2,       "note": "Note 2",       "title": "Title 2",       "updatedAt": Any<String>,       "userID": 1,     },     // 8 omitted entries   ],   "success": true, } `; 
like image 44
Ian Bunag Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Ian Bunag