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function wait with return until $.getJSON is finished

I am writing a function which has to get the thumbnail information from a given video using the embed.ly API, however currently the function returns a value before it even got the JSON result from the API.

I am using the following code:

function getThumbnail(vUrl) {     var thumbnail   = '';     var title       = '';     var caption     = '';     var content     = '';      $.when( $.getJSON("http://api.embed.ly/1/oembed?key=:key&url="+vurl) ).then(function(data){         var thumbnail = data.thumbnail_url;             console.log(thumbnail);          return {             thumbnail:thumbnail,             vurl:vurl         }     }); } 

However when using the Chrome Javascript console I can see that:

  1. the function is called
  2. undefined is returned
  3. XHR request is finished
  4. variable thumbnail content is shown in console

This is obviously the wrong order.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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xorinzor Avatar asked May 27 '12 17:05


People also ask

What does getJSON mean?

The getJSON() method is used to get JSON data using an AJAX HTTP GET request.

What are the arguments of getJSON method?

It is a callback function that executes on the successful server request. It also has three parameters that are data, status, and xhr in which data contains the data returned from the server, status represents the request status like "success", "error", etc., and the xhr contains the XMLHttpRequest object.

2 Answers

Updated answer

getJSON returns a promise (a read-only deferred), so you can listen to it. But since you need some post-processing, you'd want to chain a then which allows you to alter the resolved value.

// Now using `then` function getThumbnail(vUrl){   return $.getJSON("http://api.embed.ly/1/oembed?key=:key&url="+vurl).then(function(data){     return {       thumbnail:data.thumbnail_url,       vurl:vurl     }   }); }  //and in your call will listen for the custom deferred's done getThumbnail('the_vurl_').then(function(returndata){   //received data! }); 

Original answer

You can use a deferred object, and listen for the done().

function getThumbnail(vUrl) {     //create our deferred object     var def = $.Deferred();      //get our JSON and listen for done     $.getJSON("http://api.embed.ly/1/oembed?key=:key&url="+vurl)         .done(function(data){              //resolve the deferred, passing it our custom data             def.resolve({                 thumbnail:data.thumbnail_url,                 vurl:vurl             });         });      //return the deferred for listening     return def; }  //and in your call will listen for the custom deferred's done getThumbnail('the_vurl_')     .done(function(returndata){         //received data!     }); 

You could return $.getJSON's deferred to get the raw data. But because of "post-processing" into an object, the custom deferred is needed. You could also pass a callback to getThumbnail():

function getThumbnail(vUrl,callback) {     $.getJSON("http://api.embed.ly/1/oembed?key=:key&url="+vurl,function(returndata){         callback(returndata);     }); }  getThumbnail('the_vurl_',function(returndata){     //received data! }) 
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Joseph Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09


you can simple use $.getJSON's callback like following:

function result(res) {   console.log(res); }  function getThumbnail(vUrl) {    var thumbnail   = '';    var title       = '';    var caption     = '';    var content     = '';     $.getJSON("http://api.embed.ly/1/oembed?key=:key&url="+vurl, function(data) {      var thumbnail = data.thumbnail_url;      console.log(thumbnail);       var result = {         thumbnail:thumbnail,         vurl:vurl       };       // passing the result to a function      getResult(result);     }); } 


You see that I'm calling a function to pass the result, where you are trying to return, but you can't return result to caller function. Because, $.getJSON is asynchronous.

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thecodeparadox Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 15:09
