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Using Enzyme simulate on custom events?

It is possible to use Enzyme's method .simulate() on custom events. For Example:

// Code
<Element onFoo={someFunction}></Elements>

// Test
const element = shallow(<Element>);

Is this the way custom events should be tested with Enzyme or is it a better approach to use s.th. like:

const element = shallow(<Element>);
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Frank Avatar asked Sep 29 '16 09:09


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How do you simulate a function in jest?

Basically, we need to create a spy function that will trigger the simulated response. To do that, we use jest. fn – from Jest. Once we have the spy, we can test the feature using toHaveBeenCalled or toHaveBeenCalledWith – also from Jest – to check if the spy was called or not.

4 Answers

It seems that .simulate() for custom events is not implemented. There is an issue on github, where this topic is discussed and one of the Enzyme maintainers suggests to use the second approach you've provided:

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Alexandr Lazarev Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Alexandr Lazarev

In addition to the other answers, if you are testing a parent component that uses your Element component:

Not sure if this is a matter of version as well. But I'm working with enzyme 2.9.1 and this is how I accomplish to trigger a child custom function:


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Guilherme Vasconcelos Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Guilherme Vasconcelos

You can use .simulate() on custom events. There is a catch that you have to use on as a prefix for the custom event. For eg. onJump, onAdd is how you have to name your custom events.

element.props.onFoo() in the above case is not really testing the functionality. It only tests the internals of component so the binding remains untested. Also it becomes difficult to refactor as implementation is coupled with test code.

You can refer to this blog for a working demo of the scenario and how components having custom events can be tested.

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Piyush Sinha Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

Piyush Sinha

But isn't it actually already working in the current shallow rendering?

/* Film component */
render() {
  return (
    <FilmHeader onSearchClick={this.handleSearchClick}>

/* Test */
const wrapper = shallow(<Film {...props} />);

The aforementioned enzyme issue is still open though. And documentation doesn't state anything obvious about this feature. So maybe the issue is the documentation itself.

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dubbha Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
