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Using Command Line Parameters with pytest --pyargs




I have written pytest unit tests for a package I've written with a structure like below:

  • packagedir
    • setup.py
    • mypackage
      • __init__.py
      • functionpackage
        • __init__.py
        • functionmodule.py
      • test
        • __init__.py
        • conftest.py
        • unit_tests
          • __init__.py
          • functionmodule_test.py

Now packagedir/mypackage/test/conftest.py establishes two required command line parameters to be created as fixtures for the tests. When I run something like:

pytest packagedir/mypackage/ --var1 foo --var2 bar

All the tests run and the command line parameters are read in correctly. However, when I pip install the package (which installs the test and unit_tests packages correctly) and then try something like this:

pytest --pyargs mypackage --var1 foo --var2 bar

I get an error like this:

usage: pytest [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...]
pytest: error: unrecognized arguments: --var1 foo --var2 bar

If I run:

pytest --pyargs mypackage

the tests run but fail because the command line arguments are not present.

Can someone explain to me what might be going wrong here? I could guess and say this is because the --pyargs argument changes the interpretation of the command line parameters for pytest, but it's just a guess. I'd like to know if there is an actual way I could fix this.

The overarching goal would be to allow someone to pip install mypackage and then be able to easily test it without navigating to the site-packages location of the install.

like image 827
Zack Lawson Avatar asked Dec 21 '16 19:12

Zack Lawson

1 Answers

I added a __main__.py to the mypackage/test directory and wrote

import os
import sys

HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import pytest
    errcode = pytest.main([HERE] + sys.argv[1:])

Now, I can execute the tests with

python -m mypackage.test --myoption=works

This works when the package is installed.

You can view this in action with a travis build:

  • __main__.py
  • Travis invocation
  • Travis output
like image 125
User Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 12:10
