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Using accumulate function with second to last value as .init argument

I have recently come across an interesting question of calculating a vector values using its penultimate value as .init argument plus an additional vector's current value. Here is the sample data set:

dt <- data.frame(id = rep(letters[1:2], each = 5), time = rep(1:5, 2), ret = rnorm(10)/100)
dt$ind <- if_else(dt$time == 1, 120, if_else(dt$time == 2, 125, as.numeric(NA)))

   id time          ret ind
1   a    1  0.005543269 120
2   a    2 -0.002802719 125
3   a    3  0.017751634  NA
4   a    4  0.001873201  NA
5   a    5  0.011425261  NA
6   b    1  0.004155261 120
7   b    2  0.012295066 125
8   b    3  0.002366797  NA
9   b    4 -0.003653828  NA
10  b    5  0.011051443  NA

What I would like to calculate is:

ind_{t} = ind_{t-2}*(1+ret_{t})

I tried the following code. Since .init is of no use here I tried the nullify the original .init and created a virtual .init but unfortunately it won't drag the newly created values (from third row downward) into calculation:

dt %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  mutate(ind = c(120, accumulate(3:n(), .init = 125, 
                                 ~ .x * 1/.x * ind[.y - 2] * (1 + ret[.y]))))

# A tibble: 10 x 4
# Groups:   id [2]
   id     time      ret   ind
   <chr> <int>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 a         1  0.00554  120 
 2 a         2 -0.00280  125 
 3 a         3  0.0178   122.
 4 a         4  0.00187  125.
 5 a         5  0.0114    NA 
 6 b         1  0.00416  120 
 7 b         2  0.0123   125 
 8 b         3  0.00237  120.
 9 b         4 -0.00365  125.
10 b         5  0.0111    NA 

I was wondering if there was a tweak I could make to this code and make it work completely. I would appreciate your help greatly in advance

like image 759
Anoushiravan R Avatar asked Jul 28 '21 15:07

Anoushiravan R

People also ask

What is init value in accumulator?

Initial value for the accumulator. This can either be a function pointer or a function object. The operation shall not modify the elements passed as its arguments. The result of accumulating init and all the elements in the range [first,last). Linear in the distance between first and last.

What is the second argument in accumulate2()?

For accumulate2 () .y is the second argument of the pair. It needs to be 1 element shorter than the vector to be accumulated ( .x ). If .init is set, .y needs to be one element shorted than the concatenation of the initial value and .x. A vector the same length of .x with the same names as .x.

What is accumulate() function in R?

Source: R/reduce.R accumulate () sequentially applies a 2-argument function to elements of a vector. Each application of the function uses the initial value or result of the previous application as the first argument. The second argument is the next value of the vector.

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accumulate () and partial_sum () in C++ STL : numeric header 1 Syntax 1:#N#accumulate (first, last, sum); first, last : first and last elements of range whose elements are to be added... 2 Syntax 2: This function returns the sum of all the values lying between [first, last) with the variable sum.#N#accumulate... More ...

Video Answer

2 Answers

Use a state vector consisting of the current value of ind and the prior value of ind. That way the prior state contains the second prior value of ind. We encode that into complex values with the real part equal to ind and the imaginary part equal to the prior value of ind. At the end we take the real part.


dt %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  mutate(result = c(ind[1],
                    Re(accumulate(.x = tail(ret, -2), 
                                  .f = ~ Im(.x) * (1 + .y) + Re(.x) * 1i,
                                  .init = ind[2] + ind[1] * 1i)))) %>%


# A tibble: 10 x 5
   id     time      ret   ind result
   <chr> <int>    <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 a         1  0.00554   120   120 
 2 a         2 -0.00280   125   125 
 3 a         3  0.0178     NA   122.
 4 a         4  0.00187    NA   125.
 5 a         5  0.0114     NA   124.
 6 b         1  0.00416   120   120 
 7 b         2  0.0123    125   125 
 8 b         3  0.00237    NA   120.
 9 b         4 -0.00365    NA   125.
10 b         5  0.0111     NA   122.


This variation eliminates the complex numbers and uses a vector of 2 elements in place of each complex number with the first number corresponding to the real part in the prior solution and the second number of each pair corresponding to the imaginary part. This could be extended to cases where we need more than 2 numbers per state and where the dependence involves all of the last N values but for the question here there is the downside of the extra line of code to extract the result from the list of pairs of numbers which is more involved than using Re in the prior solution.

dt %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  mutate(result = c(ind[1],
                    accumulate(.x = tail(ret, -2), 
                               .f = ~ c(.x[2] * (1 + .y), .x[1]),
                               .init = ind[2:1])),
         result = map_dbl(result, first)) %>%


We check that the results above are correct. Alternately this could be used as a straight forward solution.

calc <- function(ind, ret) {
  for(i in seq(3, length(ret))) ind[i] <- ind[i-2] * (1 + ret[i])

dt %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  mutate(result = calc(ind, ret)) %>%


# A tibble: 10 x 5
   id     time      ret   ind result
   <chr> <int>    <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 a         1  0.00554   120   120 
 2 a         2 -0.00280   125   125 
 3 a         3  0.0178     NA   122.
 4 a         4  0.00187    NA   125.
 5 a         5  0.0114     NA   124.
 6 b         1  0.00416   120   120 
 7 b         2  0.0123    125   125 
 8 b         3  0.00237    NA   120.
 9 b         4 -0.00365    NA   125.
10 b         5  0.0111     NA   122.
like image 127
G. Grothendieck Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 09:10

G. Grothendieck

I would have done it by creating dummy groups for each sequence, so that it can be done for any number of 'N'. Demonstrating it on a new elaborated data

df <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                     grp = c("a","a","a","a",
                    rate = c(0.082322056,
                     ind = c(11000L,12000L,
#>    grp       rate   ind
#> 1    a 0.08232206 11000
#> 2    a 0.09849110 12000
#> 3    a 0.07294593 13000
#> 4    a 0.08741672    NA
#> 5    a 0.03017975    NA
#> 6    a 0.06138903    NA
#> 7    a 0.01123231    NA
#> 8    a 0.08553277    NA
#> 9    a 0.09127267    NA
#> 10   b 0.03157785 10000
#> 11   b 0.02403979 13000
#> 12   b 0.09171955 12000
#> 13   b 0.03254064    NA
#> 14   b 0.02041173    NA
#> 15   b 0.09452172    NA
#> 16   b 0.08172918    NA
#> 17   b 0.06642971    NA
#> 18   b 0.04985793    NA

N = 3

df %>% group_by(grp) %>%
  group_by(d = row_number() %% N, .add = TRUE) %>%
  mutate(ind = accumulate(rate[-1] + 1, .init = ind[1], ~ .x * .y))
#> # A tibble: 18 x 4
#> # Groups:   grp, d [6]
#>    grp     rate    ind     d
#>    <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 a     0.0823 11000      1
#>  2 a     0.0985 12000      2
#>  3 a     0.0729 13000      0
#>  4 a     0.0874 11962.     1
#>  5 a     0.0302 12362.     2
#>  6 a     0.0614 13798.     0
#>  7 a     0.0112 12096.     1
#>  8 a     0.0855 13420.     2
#>  9 a     0.0913 15057.     0
#> 10 b     0.0316 10000      1
#> 11 b     0.0240 13000      2
#> 12 b     0.0917 12000      0
#> 13 b     0.0325 10325.     1
#> 14 b     0.0204 13265.     2
#> 15 b     0.0945 13134.     0
#> 16 b     0.0817 11169.     1
#> 17 b     0.0664 14147.     2
#> 18 b     0.0499 13789.     0

Alternate answer in dplyr (using your own data modified a bit only)

dt <- data.frame(id = rep(letters[1:2], each = 5), time = rep(1:5, 2), ret = rnorm(10)/100)
dt$ind <- ifelse(dt$time == 1, 12000, ifelse(dt$time == 2, 12500, as.numeric(NA)))

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = F)

dt %>% group_by(id) %>%
  group_by(d= row_number() %% 2, .add = TRUE) %>%
  mutate(ind = cumprod(1 + duplicated(id) * ret)* ind[1])
#> # A tibble: 10 x 5
#> # Groups:   id, d [4]
#>    id     time      ret    ind     d
#>    <chr> <int>    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 a         1  0.00554 12000      1
#>  2 a         2 -0.00280 12500      0
#>  3 a         3  0.0178  12213.     1
#>  4 a         4  0.00187 12523.     0
#>  5 a         5  0.0114  12353.     1
#>  6 b         1  0.00416 12000      0
#>  7 b         2  0.0123  12500      1
#>  8 b         3  0.00237 12028.     0
#>  9 b         4 -0.00365 12454.     1
#> 10 b         5  0.0111  12161.     0
like image 25
AnilGoyal Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 08:10
