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ekscrypto has asked 1 questions and find answers to 16 problems.


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I love technology and everything related, from gadgets to new professional techniques. I like thinking, researching, optimizing, inventing and developing. I have a strong background in software research and development, operating systems, Voice-over-IP, network security, wired and wireless network engineering, complemented with electronic engineering background.

My career goal is to always keep learning, to be challenged, and to work remotely so I can be present for my family.

Bug hacker and master troubleshooter, my strength is understanding a problem and getting to the root of it. I'm mostly a self-taught individual and a constant learner. I push my technical boundaries daily and search for ways to improve my skills every day. With over 20 years of experience writing software in various languages, creating or optimizing algorithms, the digital development world is my turf.

Sample challenges which I particularly enjoyed: * Created a GLSL based magnification tool for a client who was turned down by three other companies as "impossible to do on macOS". * Optimized several SQL queries to reduce load time of a particular web page from several seconds to sub 50ms. * Identified the root cause of stuttering animations in iOS mobile app and implemented mitigation strategy

Specialties: Swift, Objective-C and PHP Software Development; TCP/IP and Wireless Network Engineering