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User defined compiler warning or error in C# [duplicate]

Is it possible to have some code let the compiler generate a compile warning or error?

Maybe with Attributes?

** Having the first answer and a few comments I realize my question is not as a clear as I expected and wanted it to be. I apologize. Hopefully all contributers are still with us.

So I am more looking towards an internal DSL.

S.Th. like

public string Val {get; set;]
like image 391
Martin Meeser Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 00:03

Martin Meeser

1 Answers

Do you mean #warning ?

#warning lets you generate a level one warning from a specific location in your code. For example:

#warning Deprecated code in this method.

And for errors, there is (you would never guess), #error.

like image 103
CompuChip Avatar answered Apr 28 '23 20:04
