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User access log to SQL Server

I need to get a log of user access to our SQL Server so I can track average and peak concurrency usage. Is there a hidden table or something I'm missing that has this information for me? To my knowledge the application I'm looking at does not track this at the application level.

I'm currently working on SQL Server 2000, but will moving to SQL Server 2005 shortly, so solutions for both are greatly appreciated.

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Dillie-O Avatar asked Aug 08 '08 13:08


People also ask

How do I track user activity in SQL Server?

Right-click on the top-level object for a SQL Server connection, and select Activity Monitor.

How do I audit SQL Logins?

Connect the SQL server instance via SQL Server Management Studio. Navigate to Security → Right-click “Audits” and select “New audit” → Type in an name for the audit and select the location where the SQL Server audit logs will be stored → Click “OK” → Right-click the newly created audit and select “Enable audit”.

1 Answers

In SQL Server 2005, go to tree view on the left and select Server (name of the actual server) > Management > Activity Monitor. Hope this helps.

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Bryan Roth Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 03:10

Bryan Roth