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LocalDateTime and SQL Server JDBC 4.2 driver

I'm trying to use new java.time classes with most recent version of Sql Server JDBC driver. As I read it should just work with methods: PreparedStatement.setObject() and ResultSet.getObject().

So I created sample code, and can't get it work with ResultSets. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.

Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString);
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE ? BETWEEN date_from AND date_to");
preparedStatement.setObject(1, LocalDateTime.now());   // That works

ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
if (resultSet.next()) {
    Object o = resultSet.getObject("date_from"); 
    o.getClass() returns java.sql.Timestamp

    LocalDateTime dateTime = resultSet.getObject("date_from", LocalDateTime.class);

This throws an exception:

com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The conversion to class java.time.LocalDateTime is unsupported.

Driver version: mssql-jdbc-6.5.4.jre8-preview.jar

SQL Server version: 2016


How to interpret this sentence in table at bottom:

New Java classes in Java 8: LocalDate/LocalTime/LocalDateTime, OffsetTime/OffsetDateTime


REF_CURSOR is not supported in SQL Server. Driver throws a SQLFeatureNotSupportedException exception if this type is used. The driver supports all other new Java and JDBC type mappings as specified in the JDBC 4.2 specification.

like image 571
Krzysztof Avatar asked Jul 10 '18 21:07


2 Answers

I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.

You're not doing anything wrong. You have encountered a deficiency in Microsoft's JDBC driver for SQL Server prior to version 7.1.0, discussed here.

If you are using mssql-jdbc version 7.1.0 or later then you can use getObject(x, LocalDateTime.class) as expected.

For mssql-jdbc versions prior to 7.1.0, as others have suggested, you'll need to retrieve a Timestamp and convert it to a LocalDateTime. However, be aware that the simplistic solution ...

LocalDateTime dateTime = resultSet.getTimestamp("date_from").toLocalDateTime()

... will corrupt certain date/time values if the default time zone for the JVM observes Daylight Saving Time, a.k.a. "Summer Time". For example,

// time zone with Daylight Time

// test environment
Statement st = conn.createStatement();
st.execute("CREATE TABLE #tmp (id INT PRIMARY KEY, dt2 DATETIME2)");
st.execute("INSERT INTO #tmp (id, dt2) VALUES (1, '2018-03-11 02:00:00')");
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT dt2 FROM #tmp WHERE id=1");

// test code
LocalDateTime x = rs.getTimestamp("dt2").toLocalDateTime();  // bad


will print "2018-03-11T03:00". Note that the time is "03:00", not "02:00".

Instead, you'll need to retrieve the Timestamp as UTC and then convert it into a LocalDateTime for UTC, thus removing the time zone component

// time zone with Daylight Time

// test environment
Statement st = conn.createStatement();
st.execute("CREATE TABLE #tmp (id INT PRIMARY KEY, dt2 DATETIME2)");
st.execute("INSERT INTO #tmp (id, dt2) VALUES (1, '2018-03-11 02:00:00')");
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT dt2 FROM #tmp WHERE id=1");

// test code
Timestamp ts = getTimestamp("dt2", Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")));
LocalDateTime x = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(ts.toInstant(), ZoneId.of("UTC"));  // good


which prints "2018-03-11T02:00".

like image 174
Gord Thompson Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10

Gord Thompson

This is because the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver implementation of resultSet.getObject(...) cannot auto convert from java.sql.Timestamp to LocalDateTime.

As a workaround you can get the value as java.sql.Timestamp and then convert java.sql.Timestamp to LocalDateTime by using: java.sql.Timestamp.toLocalDateTime()

LocalDateTime dateTime = resultSet.getTimestamp("date_from").toLocalDateTime()
like image 34
Loc Le Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10

Loc Le