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Use list cons operator (a :: b) as a function

F# lets you turn operators into functions by surrounding them with ( ): for instance, (+) is of type int -> int -> int.

Is it possible to do this with the list cons operator, ::?

It doesn't behave like a normal binary operator:

FSI> (::);;


c:\temp\stdin(3,2): error FS0010: Unexpected symbol '::' in expression.
Expected ')' or other token.

And the List.Cons method takes a tuple; it's not curried.

(It's useful to be able to do this. For instance, you can use it to implement map in terms of fold).

like image 842
Tim Robinson Avatar asked Sep 29 '10 12:09

Tim Robinson

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1 Answers

Paraphrased from http://cs.hubfs.net/forums/permalink/11713/11713/ShowThread.aspx#11713

(::) is a discriminated union 'constructor' for the list<'a> type, and so raised the question of whether as a function value its arguments should be curried (like +) or tupled (like all DU constructors). Either way seems fishy/unexpected to some people, so F# simply disallows the construct.

Of course you can always write e.g.

let cons x y = x :: y

and use cons, or just use a lambda fun x y -> x::y, if you want a "curried prefix function of two args" for this.

like image 172
Brian Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11
