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Exit batch script from inside a function

I have a problem with my batch file. It builds several programs automatically by doing something like this:

  • set some compilation flags
  • run 'gmake all'
  • call the "check error level" function and if errorlevel 1, exit

So it looks like this:

set FLAG=1
gmake all
call :interactive_check
gmake all
call :interactive_check

There's 6 or 7 of these (and it might grow). So I made a function to check errorlevel instead of copy/pasting it at every step. The problem is this: the error checking is made through a function:

if errorlevel 1 (
echo /!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\
echo Error in compilation process... exiting
echo /!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\
cd %root_dir%
exit /B 1
) ELSE (
echo.Continuing to next step

Now, when running it, the exit /B 1 simply exits the function, but not the batch file.

Do you know how to exit the complete batch file without having to copy/paste my "if errorlevel 1.." at every step?

like image 726
Gui13 Avatar asked Jul 12 '10 10:07


People also ask

How do I exit a batch script?

EXIT /B at the end of the batch file will stop execution of a batch file. use EXIT /B < exitcodes > at the end of the batch file to return custom return codes.

How do I stop a script from command line?

Ctrl+C. One of the most universal methods of aborting a batch file, command, or another program while it's running is to press and hold Ctrl + C . This keyboard shortcut sends a SIGINT signal, which cancels or terminates the currently-running program and returns you to the command line.

What is %% in a batch file?

Use double percent signs ( %% ) to carry out the for command within a batch file. Variables are case sensitive, and they must be represented with an alphabetical value such as %a, %b, or %c. ( <set> ) Required. Specifies one or more files, directories, or text strings, or a range of values on which to run the command.

How do you exit a function in command prompt?

To close or exit the Windows command line window, also referred to as command or cmd mode or DOS mode, type exit and press Enter .

1 Answers

For a good solution see the part improved version

You can stop a batch at any point, also inside of nested function calls.

You only need to create a syntax error, for example with an empty block (), to suppress the error message, it can be executed in a call, and the stderr of the call is redirected to nul.

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

rem Do something
call :interactive_check

rem Do something
call :interactive_check

goto :eof

if errorlevel 1 (
    echo /!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\
    echo Error in compilation process... exiting
    echo /!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\
    call :halt 1
) ELSE (
    echo.Continuing to next step
goto :eof

:: Sets the errorlevel and stops the batch immediately
call :__SetErrorLevel %1
call :__ErrorExit 2> nul
goto :eof

rem Creates a syntax error, stops immediately
goto :eof

exit /b %time:~-2%
goto :eof

2017-04-09 Improved version: Exit only the current batch, but not the caller batch

As @dbenham mentioned, there is a new technic for exception handling that can also be used for exiting only the current batch.

@echo off
echo Do something, detecting some fatal error
call :ExitBatch 3
exit /b

:ExitBatch [errorcode] - Exits only the current batch file, regardless how many CALLs
set _errLevel=%1
REM *** Remove all calls from the current batch from the call stack
    (goto) 2>nul
    setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion    
    call set "caller=%%~0"
    call set _caller=%%caller:~0,1%%
    call set _caller=%%_caller::=%%
    if not defined _caller (
        REM callType = func
        rem set _errLevel=%_errLevel%
        goto :popStack
    (goto) 2>nul
    cmd /c "exit /b %_errLevel%"
exit /b
like image 66
jeb Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10
