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Is `std::function` allowed to move its arguments?

While working on this question, I noticed that GCC (v4.7)'s implementation of std::function moves its arguments when they are taken by value. The following code shows this behavior:

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

struct CopyableMovable
    CopyableMovable()                        { std::cout << "default" << '\n'; }
    CopyableMovable(CopyableMovable const &) { std::cout << "copy" << '\n'; }
    CopyableMovable(CopyableMovable &&)      { std::cout << "move" << '\n'; }

void foo(CopyableMovable cm)
{ }

int main()
    typedef std::function<void(CopyableMovable)> byValue;

    byValue fooByValue = foo;

    CopyableMovable cm;
// outputs: default copy move move

We see here that a copy of cm is performed (which seems reasonable since the byValue's parameter is taken by value), but then there are two moves. Since function is operating on a copy of cm, the fact that it moves its argument can be seen as an unimportant implementation detail. However, this behavior causes some trouble when using function together with bind:

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

struct MoveTracker
    bool hasBeenMovedFrom;

      : hasBeenMovedFrom(false)
    MoveTracker(MoveTracker const &)
      : hasBeenMovedFrom(false)
    MoveTracker(MoveTracker && other)
      : hasBeenMovedFrom(false)
        if (other.hasBeenMovedFrom)
            std::cout << "already moved!" << '\n';
            other.hasBeenMovedFrom = true;

void foo(MoveTracker, MoveTracker) {}

int main()
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    std::function<void(MoveTracker)> func = std::bind(foo, _1, _1);
    MoveTracker obj;
    func(obj); // prints "already moved!"

Is this behavior allowed by the standard? Is std::function allowed to move its arguments? And if so, is it normal that we can convert the wrapper returned by bind into a std::function with by-value parameters, even though this triggers unexpected behavior when dealing with multiple occurrences of placeholders?

like image 421
Luc Touraille Avatar asked Apr 04 '12 09:04

Luc Touraille

People also ask

Does std :: move do anything?

std::move. std::move is used to indicate that an object t may be "moved from", i.e. allowing the efficient transfer of resources from t to another object. In particular, std::move produces an xvalue expression that identifies its argument t . It is exactly equivalent to a static_cast to an rvalue reference type.

Does std :: move make a copy?

std::move is actually just a request to move and if the type of the object has not a move constructor/assign-operator defined or generated the move operation will fall back to a copy.

What do std :: move and std :: forward do?

std::move takes an object and casts it as an rvalue reference, which indicates that resources can be "stolen" from this object. std::forward has a single use-case: to cast a templated function parameter of type forwarding reference ( T&& ) to the value category ( lvalue or rvalue ) the caller used to pass it.

Is std :: function copyable?

Instances of std::function can store, copy, and invoke any CopyConstructible Callable target -- functions, lambda expressions, bind expressions, or other function objects, as well as pointers to member functions and pointers to data members.

1 Answers

std::function is specified to pass the supplied arguments to the wrapped function with std::forward. e.g. for std::function<void(MoveTracker)>, the function call operator is equivalent to

void operator(CopyableMovable a)

Since std::forward<T> is equivalent to std::move when T is not a reference type, this accounts for one of the moves in your first example. It's possible that the second comes from having to go through the indirection layers inside std::function.

This then also accounts for the problem you are encountering with using std::bind as the wrapped function: std::bind is also specified to forward its parameters, and in this case it is being passed an rvalue reference resulting from the std::forward call inside std::function. The function call operator of your bind expression is thus forwarding an rvalue reference to each of the arguments. Unfortunately, since you've reused the placeholder, it's an rvalue reference to the same object in both cases, so for movable types whichever is constructed first will move the value, and the second parameter will get an empty shell.

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Anthony Williams Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 12:10

Anthony Williams