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Use :hover to modify the css of another class?

Is there a way to modify the css for one class when hovering on an element from another class using only css ?

Something like:

.item:hover .wrapper { /*some css*/ }

Only 'wrapper' is not inside 'item', it's somewhere else.

I really don't want to use javascript for something this simple, but if I have to, how would I do it ? Here's my failed attempt:

document.getElementsByClassName('item')[0].onmouseover="document.getElementsByClassName('wrapper')[0].style.background="url('some url')";";

There's only one element of each class. Don't know why they didn't use IDs when they made the template, but that's just how it is and I can't change it.


It's a menu. Each menu element has a distinct class. When you hover on the element a submenu pops up to the right. It's like an overlay, when I use the 'Inspect Element' tool I can see that the whole website html changes when the submenu is active(meaning there's nothing but the submenu). The class I call 'wrapper' has the css that controls the background for the submenu. There's really no connection that I can see between the two classes.

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Kesarion Avatar asked May 07 '12 13:05


3 Answers

There are two approaches you can take, to have a hovered element affect (E) another element (F):

  1. F is a child-element of E, or
  2. F is a later-sibling (or sibling's descendant) element of E (in that E appears in the mark-up/DOM before F):

To illustrate the first of these options (F as a descendant/child of E):

.item:hover .wrapper {
    color: #fff;
    background-color: #000;

To demonstrate the second option, F being a sibling element of E:

.item:hover ~ .wrapper {
    color: #fff;
    background-color: #000;

In this example, if .wrapper was an immediate sibling of .item (with no other elements between the two) you could also use .item:hover + .wrapper.

JS Fiddle demonstration.


  • CSS 2.1 selectors, at the W3.org.
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David Thomas Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10

David Thomas

It's not possible in CSS at the moment, unless you want to select a child or sibling element (trivial and described in other answers here).

For all other cases you'll need JavaScript. jQuery and frameworks like Angular can tackle this problem with relative ease.


With the new CSS (4) selector :has() guide from CSS4.Rocks (archived by Wayback Machine) and :has() guide from MDN Web Docs, you'll be able to target parent elements/classes, making a CSS-Only solution viable in the near future!

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Kesarion Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10


You can do it by making the following CSS. you can put here the css you need to affect child class in case of hover on the root

.root:hover    .child {
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Mohammad Gabr Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 18:10

Mohammad Gabr