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How can I hold Twitter Bootstrap Popover open until my mouse moves into it?

I have a link that uses the Twitter Bootstrap Popover version 1.3.0 to show some information. This information includes a link, but every-time I move my mouse from the link to the popover, the popover just disappears.

How can I hold popover open long enough to enable the mouse to move into it? Then when the mouse moves out of the link and popover, hide it?

Or is there some other plugin that can do this?

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Tinyfool Avatar asked Oct 09 '11 13:10


3 Answers

With bootstrap (tested with version 2) I figured out the following code:

                offset: 10,
                trigger: 'manual',
                animate: false,
                html: true,
                placement: 'left',
                template: '<div class="popover" onmouseover="$(this).mouseleave(function() {$(this).hide(); });"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="popover-inner"><h3 class="popover-title"></h3><div class="popover-content"><p></p></div></div></div>'

            }).click(function(e) {
                e.preventDefault() ;
            }).mouseenter(function(e) {

The main point is to override template with mouseleave() enabler. I hope this helps.

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marchello Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 00:11


Bootstrap 3 and above

Simple, just use the container option and have it as the element that is calling the popover. This way, the popover is a child of the element that calls it. Hence, you are technically still hovering over the parent, because the child popover belongs to it.

For example:


<div class="pop" data-content="Testing 12345">This has a popover</div>
<div class="pop" data-content="Testing 12345">This has a popover</div>
<div class="pop" data-content="Testing 12345">This has a popover</div>


Running an $.each() loop over every one of my elements that I want a popover binded to its parent. In this case, each element has the class of pop.

$('.pop').each(function () {
    var $elem = $(this);
        placement: 'top',
        trigger: 'hover',
        html: true,
        container: $elem


This part is optional, but recommended. It moves the popover down by 7 pixels for easier access.

.pop .popover {


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Fizzix Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 01:11


Just to add to Marchello's example, if you want the popover to disappear if the user moves their mouse away from the popover and source link, try this out.

var timeoutObj;
$('.nav_item a').popover({
    offset: 10,
    trigger: 'manual',
    html: true,
    placement: 'right',
    template: '<div class="popover" onmouseover="clearTimeout(timeoutObj);$(this).mouseleave(function() {$(this).hide();});"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="popover-inner"><h3 class="popover-title"></h3><div class="popover-content"><p></p></div></div></div>'
}).mouseenter(function(e) {
}).mouseleave(function(e) {
    var ref = $(this);
    timeoutObj = setTimeout(function(){
    }, 50);
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Kevin Lawrence Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 01:11

Kevin Lawrence