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Use external JavaScript library in Angular 8 application

I am new to Angular and i want to develop a funnel-graph. i like the funnel-graph-js library. i tried a lot but haven't succeed.

here is my funnel-graph-directive.ts

import { Directive, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

// import * as graph from '../../../assets/js/funnel-graph.js';
import * as graph from 'funnel-graph-js/dist/js/funnel-graph.js';
var graph = new FunnelGraph({
  container: '.funnel',
  gradientDirection: 'horizontal',
  data: {
    labels: ['Impressions', 'Add To Cart', 'Buy'],
    subLabels: ['Direct', 'Social Media', 'Ads'],
    colors: [
      ['#FFB178', '#FF78B1', '#FF3C8E'],
      ['#A0BBFF', '#EC77FF'],
      ['#A0F9FF', '#7795FF']
    values: [
      [3500, 2500, 6500],
      [3300, 1400, 1000],
      [600, 200, 130]
  displayPercent: true,
  direction: 'horizontal'

  selector: '[appFunnelGraph]'
export class FunnelGraphDirective {
  style: any;
  constructor(el: ElementRef) {
    el.nativeElement.style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';

I have added these lines in my angular.json

"styles": [
"scripts": [

Here is the error i am getting enter image description here

like image 731
Zuber Avatar asked Oct 15 '22 10:10


1 Answers

As long as you linked the javascript file in the html, it will work fine.


A better way to include an addition javascript file is to put it into the "scripts" section in the angular.json file. You can also add

declare const FunnelGraph: any

in order to compile without errors. This has been taken from an answer to a stackoverflow question and this guide. Remember to include the css files in that json too!


You get that error because the code tries to look for an HTML element with a class named "funnel", but cannot find it. Since this is a directive, it would be better if it was a little more generalized.

First of all, you should move your graph-generating code inside the constructor, since that's were the directive logic resides. To better generalize this directive, it would be best if you gave a unique id to that element and change the code accordingly. This is how I would do it:


<div id="funnel-graph-1" appFunnelGraph></div>


import { Directive, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

// It should be fine to just import this in the html with a script tag
// import * as graph from 'funnel-graph-js/dist/js/funnel-graph.js';

  selector: '[appFunnelGraph]'
export class FunnelGraphDirective {
  style: any;
  constructor(el: ElementRef) {
    el.nativeElement.style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';

    var graph = new FunnelGraph({
      // Generalize the container selector with the element id
      container: '#' + el.nativeElement.id,
      gradientDirection: 'horizontal',
      data: {
        labels: ['Impressions', 'Add To Cart', 'Buy'],
        subLabels: ['Direct', 'Social Media', 'Ads'],
        colors: [
          ['#FFB178', '#FF78B1', '#FF3C8E'],
          ['#A0BBFF', '#EC77FF'],
          ['#A0F9FF', '#7795FF']
        values: [
          [3500, 2500, 6500],
          [3300, 1400, 1000],
          [600, 200, 130]
      displayPercent: true,
      direction: 'horizontal'

like image 188
Drago96 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10
