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Use environment variables as default for cmake options

I would like to set up a cmake script with some options (flags and strings). For some of the options I would like to use environment variables as a default. Basically, I'm trying to emulate something like MY_OPTION ?= default in a Makefile. I tried the following:

project (Optiontest)


message("value: ${MY_OPTION}")

I called this in the following way:

$ cmake -DMY_OPTION=ON .
value: ON
$ cmake -DMY_OPTION=OFF .
value: OFF
$ MY_OPTION=OFF cmake .
value: OFF
$ MY_OPTION=ON cmake .
value: OFF

My problem is that the last line should be ON as well.

For bonus karma: I would actually prefer three levels of preference. The value of -DMY_OPTION should be used if given. If not, the value of a set environment variable MY_OPTION should be used. If this is also not set, a constant should be used. I guess, I could use a bunch of nested if statements and somehow check if the variables are set, but I don't know how and I hope there is a better way.

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Flogo Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 23:10


1 Answers

FORCE is (as of CMake 3.0.2) not a valid parameter for option.

This is the primary source of problems. CMake will interpret the string FORCE as the desired initial value of the option in absence of an environment variable. The usual contrived rules for string-to-truth-value-conversion apply, resulting in the option being set to OFF by this call.

Second, you need to account for the fact that the environment variable is not set. Your current code misses to handle that case properly. $ENV{MY_OPTION} will evaluate to the empty string in that case. If you evaluate the set values in both the cache and the environment, you can enforce any behavior that you want.

In general, you should think about what you actually want here. Usually, FORCE setting a cached variable is a bad idea and I would not be surprised if you found your initial argument for doing this flawed after some careful reevaluation.

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ComicSansMS Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 07:11
