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Use androidx.* artifacts option is disable in Android Studio when create new project

When I create new project with Android Studio 3.4.1, can NOT uncheck "Use androidx.* artifacts".

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PHOENIX Avatar asked Jun 25 '19 10:06


People also ask

How to disable AndroidX artifacts in Android Studio?

Show activity on this post. Uninstall Android 9. +(Q) under SDK Manager -> Apperance & Behavior -> System Setting -> Android SDK -> SDK Platforms. Restart and Invalidate Android Studio.

How do I enable AndroidX?

Migrate an existing project using Android Studio With Android Studio 3.2 and higher, you can migrate an existing project to AndroidX by selecting Refactor > Migrate to AndroidX from the menu bar. The refactor command makes use of two flags. By default, both of them are set to true in your gradle.

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1 Answers

Uncheck Android 9.+(Q) under SDK Manager-> Apperance & Behavior-> System Setting-> Android SDK-> SDK Platforms

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PHOENIX Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 00:10