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Copy-paste is not working in Android Studio on Mac

I am facing a weird issue with Mac version of Android Studio (i.e., I am not able to copy ( + C) and paste ( + V) any text). I have no idea why it is behaving strange like this. My question may be silly, but I have been facing this issue since I started working from Windows to Mac. Any solutions and alternatives would be much helpful for me. I am completely stuck with this issue for the past two days.

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Chandru Avatar asked May 20 '15 16:05


1 Answers

There are several reasons why you could be experiencing this

  • You are using ClipMenu and Android studio doesn't like it
  • Your keybinding is messed up.

To solve keybinding issue press File -> Settings and check what the keybindings are, you have maybe changed it or imported settings from somebody else. See the image as a reference.

Note: the filter of copy, you need to do this for paste too.

enter image description here

To fix the issue with ClipMenu.

  • Right click on "Application/IntelliJ IDEA 14.app"
  • choose "Show Package Contents"
  • edit bin/idea.properties
  • add this property ide.mac.useNativeClipboard=True
  • restart IntelliJ IDEA.

There is a YouTrack issue with further information

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Bojan Kseneman Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

Bojan Kseneman