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How to reference without copying a library project on Android Studio?

Yes, everywhere I can learn how to make a module from a project that will copy the library project. But that's no good, since a change in the library project would have to be replicated on every project that uses it. So, how can I reference it from a folder that's outside the project in a dynamic way?

like image 329
Stephen Lynx Avatar asked Jun 30 '14 15:06

Stephen Lynx

1 Answers

Got it: In your project, go in settings.gradle and declare something like this: include ':LibReferenceName' project(':LibReferenceName').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../relativePath/toThe/libraryModule/fromTheProject')

And at the modules that requires the library, include something like this in the build.gradle of it: compile project(path: ':LibReferenceName')

You can also not use settingsDir and just put the absolute path of the project.

like image 108
Stephen Lynx Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

Stephen Lynx