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URL format for Google News RSS feed

Google deprecated the old RSS feed URL format December 1st 2017 (deprecation notice), in addition to that they dropped the button in the Google News interface to generate a RSS URL (news mentioning this change).

This means that there is no public or documented method of generating a new RSS link. The only documentation they have is out of date since they changed the interface.

What is the new format for generating a RSS feed for a Google News topic?

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Robin Andersson Avatar asked Jul 26 '18 10:07

Robin Andersson

People also ask

What is the Google News RSS feeds URL?

Just append RSS to the https://news.google.com and you get the RSS feed of the top stories of your location.

How do I make a Google News RSS feed?

Search a topic on Google and select News > Create Alert > Sign in > Show Options > As it happens > RSS Feed > Create Alert.

What does an RSS feed URL look like?

Your page's RSS feed URL is made up of your full URL, followed by the page slug, and ending with ? format=rss.

Video Answer

2 Answers

Found an up-to-date library (1) that uses Google News RSS.

The URL new format seems to be:

Top news:


By major topic:



By any/custom topic:

Once at https://news.google.com, browse to the desired topic, for example this. Identify the topic ID in its URL, e.g. CAAqIQgKIhtDQkFTRGdvSUwyMHZNR056T1hFU0FtVnVLQUFQAQ, and use the format:


In the format above, essentially rss/ is added after https://news.google.com/.

By geolocation:


Not sure about the formatting for the {location} parameter

By search query:

New link: https://news.google.com/rss/search?q={query} Old link: https://news.google.com/news/rss/search/section/q/{query} 

Where the {query} parameter is a free text search

Specifying country and language:

For example if you wish to have news in Swedish and located from Swedish sources, add the following query string to the URL to change country and language to sv-SE: ?hl=sv&gl=SE&ceid=SE%3Asv

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Robin Andersson Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09

Robin Andersson

  1. Requests to the Geo endpoint seem to be working again.

    e.g. https://news.google.com/news/rss/headlines/section/geo/{place_name}

  2. Also, if you use the non-geo search, you can specify a 7-day window by adding +when:7d to your search.

    e.g. https://news.google.com/rss/search?q={key_words}+when:7d

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Eric McLachlan Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 00:09

Eric McLachlan