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Upgrading to devise 3.1 => getting Reset password token is invalid


Thanks to this gist form Steven Harman, I got it working. devise_mail_helpers.rb

module Features   module MailHelpers      def last_email       ActionMailer::Base.deliveries[0]     end      # Can be used like:     #  extract_token_from_email(:reset_password)     def extract_token_from_email(token_name)       mail_body = last_email.body.to_s       mail_body[/#{token_name.to_s}_token=([^"]+)/, 1]     end    end end 

I added the file devise_mail_helpers.rb to the same folder as the features specs and wrote this spec.

require 'devise_mail_helpers.rb' include Features include MailHelpers describe "PasswordResets" do   it "emails user when requesting password reset" do     user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)     visit root_url     find("#login_link").click     click_link "Forgot your password?"     fill_in "Email", :with => user.email     click_button "Send instructions"     current_path.should eq('/users/sign_in')     page.should have_content("You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes.")     last_email.to.should include(user.email)     token = extract_token_from_email(:reset_password) # Here I call the MailHelper form above     visit edit_password_url(reset_password_token: token)     fill_in "user_password", :with => "foobar"     fill_in "user_password_confirmation", :with => "foobar1"     find('.signup_firm').find(".submit").click     page.should have_content("Password confirmation doesn't match Password")   end  end 

This takes care of the specs, to make it work in the browser look at Dave's answer below.

Original Question

In my rails 4 app, I've upgraded devise to 3.1 and ran rails s, then I got this:

`raise_no_secret_key': Devise.secret_key was not set.   Please add the following to your Devise initializer: (RuntimeError)  config.secret_key = '--secret--' 

I added the secret key to the devise initializer.

After this I get the following error when I try to reset the password

Reset password token is invalid 

It seems like the token that gets sent in the email is not correct. Everything else is working. I logging in and out like a warm knife trough butter.


Now I guess that it's got to be something with the encryption of the reset_password_token Here from the feature spec:

user = FactoryGirl.create(:user,   :reset_password_token => "something",   :reset_password_sent_at => 1.hour.ago) visit edit_password_url(user, :reset_password_token =>    user.reset_password_token) fill_in "user_password", :with => "foobar" click_button "Change my password" page.should have_content("Password confirmation doesn't match Password") 

the error occured is:

Failure/Error: page.should have_content ("Password confirmation doesn't match Password")         expected to find text "Password confirmation doesn't match Password" in  "Reset password token is invalid" 

Any ideas on what I am missing?

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Andreas Lyngstad Avatar asked Sep 06 '13 15:09

Andreas Lyngstad

People also ask

Why is my reset password token invalid?

If you're trying to reset your password and you receive an error citing an “invalid token” or asking you for your token, it's likely that the link you clicked on to reset your password has expired. For security reasons, passwords are never sent out across the Internet.

What is token reset?

A reset token is a one-code to verify you as the recipient of a message. It is mostly used to verify an email address as belonging to the user who entered it, or as a way of granting a user with a known email address a way to change a forgotten password.

1 Answers

You commented on my similar question a bit ago, and I found an answer that might help you as well.

Upgrading to Devise 3.1.0 left some 'cruft' in a view that I hadn't touched in a while. According to this blog post, you need to change your Devise mailer to use @token instead of the old @resource.confirmation_token.

Find this in app/views/<user>/mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb and change it to something like:

<p>Hello <%= @resource.email %>!</p> <p>Someone has requested a link to change your password, and you can do this through the link below.</p> <p><%= link_to 'Change my password', edit_password_url(@resource, :reset_password_token => @token) %></p> <p>If you didn't request this, please ignore this email.</p> <p>Your password won't change until you access the link above and create a new one.</p> 

This should fix any token-based confirmation problems you're having. This is likely to fix any unlock or confirmation token problems as well.

like image 182
David Elner Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

David Elner