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Upgrade Visual Studio 2015 solutions to Visual Studio 2017

How to convert Visual Studio 2015 solution (.sln) to Visual Studio 2017.

In the past, when a solution from a previous version was opened in the newer VS there was a wizard doing the conversion, but it seems it's not the case in with these versions.

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Sebastian Widz Avatar asked May 07 '17 22:05

Sebastian Widz

People also ask

How to upgrade from SLN to Visual Studio 2017?

Please find solution file (.SLN) file for your project and right click on it and open in notepad. At the top of the file change: After this, the .sln icon will change to visual studio 2017. In Visual Studio, on the File menu, click Open and then click Project/Solution, Web Site, or File, depending on the kind of project you are upgrading.

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An update for an edition of Visual Studio 2017 is cumulative, so always choose to install the one with the most recent version number. Choose "Visual Studio Update" is available, which opens the Extensions and Updates dialog box. In the Extensions and Updates dialog box, choose the Update button.

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Do I need to upgrade from Visual Studio 2012 to on?

May 7 '17 at 22:36 1 Visual Studio 2012 and on use the same solution format, so there is no need to do any conversion. (Unless the projects themselves need to be converted.) – BJ Myers May 8 '17 at 0:01 @Steve: No problems so far. I was just wondering if I miss something with the solution not being upgraded or there is no need for upgrade at all.

3 Answers

Edit the .sln file with a text editor like notepad. Change the first 3 lines to

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 15

The first line is empty.

When you save the changes, the icon of the .sln file is changed and the solution will be opened by VS 2017 when double-clicked.

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Andi Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 09:11


I cannot find Retarget Solution. What I did instead:

  1. Open the solution file using Visual Studio 2017
  2. Select the solution file in Solution Explorer.
  3. Type Ctrl-S

Actually I got the idea from here: Upgrade Visual Studio 2013 solutions to Visual Studio 2015

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remondo Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 10:11


  1. open solution(sln) with vs2017
  2. if prompt 'Retarget Project ...' click ok and done!

step 2

  1. else in Solution Explorer > right click on solution name
  2. select 'Retarget Solution'

setp 3,4 5. select last version sdk and click ok and done!

like image 39
D.L.MAN Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 09:11