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Update using LINQ to SQL

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What you can do with LINQ to SQL?

LINQ to SQL supports all the key capabilities you would expect as a SQL developer. You can query for information, and insert, update, and delete information from tables.

Is LINQ to SQL still used?

LINQ to SQL was the first object-relational mapping technology released by Microsoft. It works well in basic scenarios and continues to be supported in Visual Studio, but it's no longer under active development.

Is LINQ converted to SQL?

LINQ parses C# language expression into a SQL Server query that is sent to the database to execute. However, the query is not sent and accessed until you actually enumerate over the data.

LINQ is a query tool (Q = Query) - so there is no magic LINQ way to update just the single row, except through the (object-oriented) data-context (in the case of LINQ-to-SQL). To update data, you need to fetch it out, update the record, and submit the changes:

using(var ctx = new FooContext()) {
    var obj = ctx.Bars.Single(x=>x.Id == id);
    obj.SomeProp = 123;

Or write an SP that does the same in TSQL, and expose the SP through the data-context:

using(var ctx = new FooContext()) {
    ctx.UpdateBar(id, 123);

In the absence of more detailed info:

using(var dbContext = new dbDataContext())
    var data = dbContext.SomeTable.SingleOrDefault(row => row.id == requiredId);
    if(data != null)
        data.SomeField = newValue;

AdventureWorksDataContext db = new AdventureWorksDataContext();
db.Log = Console.Out;

// Get hte first customer record
Customer c = from cust in db.Customers select cust where id = 5;
c.CustomerType = 'I';
db.SubmitChanges(); // Save the changes away

 DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();

 FamilyDetail fd = dc.FamilyDetails.Single(p => p.UserId == 1);

