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Update an array in a PostgreSQL table using a function

I'm trying to update a PostgreSQL table using a function.

My function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_array_words(varchar, varchar[], int[], int, int)

  passed int;
  j int;
  k int;

  passed := 0;
  j := $4 + $5;
  k := 0;
  FOR i IN $4..j LOOP
    UPDATE tab_files
    SET key_words[i] = $2[k], num_key_words[i] = $3[k]
    WHERE path_to_file = $1;

  RETURN passed;

LANGUAGE plpgsql

For calling my function:

 SELECT update_array_words('path_name_to_file', '{"susana"}', '{1}', 1, 1);

The problem is, when I do a simple select in my PostgreSQL command line, the data from the update is null.

My select:

SELECT * FROM tab_files;


          key_words                      num_key_words
| [0:2]={marques,NULL,NULL} |        | [0:2]={3,NULL,NULL} |

What's wrong with my code?

like image 988
Jose Marques Avatar asked Aug 20 '18 17:08

Jose Marques

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If, on the other hand, you wanted to iterate over your array of arrays and then issue UPDATE statements, you could try the following: foreach ($data as $entry) { $query = "UPDATE tbl_name SET available=". $entry['available']." WHERE d_id=". $entry['d_id']; // execute $query ... }

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To change the value of all elements in an array: Use the forEach() method to iterate over the array. The method takes a function that gets invoked with the array element, its index and the array itself. Use the index of the current iteration to change the corresponding array element.

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1 Answers

In PostgreSQL arrays index by default starts from 1. Thus $2[k] = $2[0] (because of k := 0;) = null. Same with $3[k].

It is also not good idea to update same row in the loop several times. The better way is to select fields values into local variables, change them and then update your table once.

Update: If I guessing correctly about the purpose of the function, it could be simplified to update columns in single step without loop:

UPDATE tab_files set
  key_words = key_words[1:$4-1] || array_fill($2[k],array[$5-$4+1]) || key_words[$5+1:],
  num_key_words = num_key_words[1:$4-1] || array_fill($3[k],array[$5-$4+1]) || num_key_words[$5+1:]
WHERE path_to_file = $1;

You can to experiment with this using simple example:

with t(x,s,e,v) as (values(array[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 2, 5, 0))
  x[1:s-1] as head,
  array_fill(v, array[e-s+1]) as changed_part,
  x[e+1:] as tail,
  x[1:s-1] || array_fill(v, array[e-s+1]) || x[e+1:] as final_result
from t;


│         x         │ s │ e │ v │ head │ changed_part │  tail   │   final_result    │
│ {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} │ 2 │ 5 │ 0 │ {1}  │ {0,0,0,0}    │ {6,7,8} │ {1,0,0,0,0,6,7,8} │

However the better way is to create more general function like

create function array_replace_series(
  p_array anyarray,
  p_value anyelement,
  p_start int,
  p_end int)
returns anyarray language sql immutable
as $$
    p_array[1:p_start-1] ||
    array_fill(p_value, array[p_end-p_start+1]) ||

and then use it in your update:

UPDATE tab_files set
  key_words = array_replace_series(key_words, 'susana', 1, 1),
  num_key_words = array_replace_series(num_key_words, 1, 1, 1)
WHERE path_to_file = 'path_name_to_file';

And of course you will be able to reuse this function in other tasks.

like image 96
Abelisto Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10
