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How to query recurrence rules in PostgreSQL?

I have a recurrence table that stores the iCalendar RFC 5545 Recurrence Rule string. Ex:


Does anyone know of any postgres functions similar to do the following?


Where It would just query the recurrence table and parse the rrule string.

like image 942
terezzy Avatar asked Aug 27 '15 20:08


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1 Answers

In PostgreSQL, as of version 14, there is no built-in support for RFC-5545 Recurrence Rule format.

But there are some custom extensions out there.

  1. pg_rrule. When you install it, you should be able to query Ical schedules this way:

    SELECT * FROM unnest( get_occurrences( 'FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=2'::rrule, now(), now() + '6 months'::interval ) );

  2. postgres-rrule

  3. You can get a Python RRULE parser (like dateutil) and embed it postgres using PL/Python.

like image 108
filiprem Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09
