I have some troubles with eclipse & sequoyah. I wrote a simple app, and without sequoyah it builds successfully. But it falls in emulator, so I decided to use sequoyah for native debugging. And after sequoyah's installation I see that unresolved inclusion don't allow me to build & run the project. Can anybody help me with it? Thanks.
I had to do the following steps to get rid of this warning:
- Open Eclipse's Navigator View (so you can see hidden files).
- Delete .project and .cproject.
- Clean (you might get some errors, but that's normal) and restart Eclipse.
- File -> New -> Other -> C/C++ -> Convert to a C/C++ project.
- Make sure to select C++ in the Radio button. Also, select the GNU Make (do NOT select the Android Make one!).
- Clean the project.
- Right click on Project -> Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols. Go to the "Includes" tab and include the folder path for the "include" directory of the desired target (in my case it was "/Developer/AndroidNDK/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/include")
- Before clicking on "Ok", check the "Apply to all" checkbox.
- Restart Eclipse one last time and the warning should be gone!
Hope it helps.