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UniversalIndentGUI plugin does not work without admin rights

Without running Notepad++ as admin, UniversalIndentGUI will delete my work or do something similar to deleting a good chunk. With administrator, it performs fine.

I thought it was some settings I created so I re-installed Notepad++ but nothing seems to have changed. Perhaps I didn't do a clean uninstall?

I'm running windows 8, and this probably has to do with a problem with notepad++ being in the default C:\Program Files (x86) folder.

Is there a alternate to this or some way to troubleshoot?

Here's the error, I also reinstalled it so that it would use %AppData% for plugins, but for some reason I don't think it is. So I may need help with that instead. I originally installed to not use %AppData% before the re-installs.

Indenter returned with exit code: 1 Indent console output was: (STDOUT): (STDERR):Could not open options file C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\uigui\temp.astylerc

Callstring was: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/plugins/uigui/indenters/astyle.exe" indentinput.cpp --options="C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/plugins/uigui/temp/.astylerc"

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whiteboo Avatar asked Nov 13 '14 20:11


1 Answers

I have fixed this (or a similar) problem this way:

  1. Run Notepad++ with Administrator rights.
  2. Install/reinstall UniversalIndentGUI using the Plugin manager.
  3. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\uigui
  4. Give Modify and Write permissions to Users for "config" and "temp" directories:
    1. Go to Properties -> Security -> Edit
    2. Select Users
    3. Check Modify
    4. Click Apply
  5. Restart Notepad++ with User rights and use UniversalIndentGUI.
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AndreyMZ Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 20:11
