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Can Notepad++ run a Ruby (or other) script directly on text in active tab?



I know that I can run a Ruby script in my active tab with the command

cmd /K ruby “$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)”

However, I'd like to do with Notepad++ on my Windows system what I do regularly in BBEdit on my Mac: Have a text file open and then call a Ruby script from a menu, and have that script act on text in my active window without having to actually input the name of the file. Is that possible?

like image 586
Sharon Avatar asked Jun 25 '12 16:06


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1 Answers

To run a Ruby script in Notepad++, first install the NppExec plugin if it’s not already installed. Then in Notepad++ either hit F6 or go to Plugins > NppExec > Execute. In the Execute Command dialog type in the following:


See this for additional commandline options

like image 103
Gunnar Avatar answered Dec 02 '22 07:12
