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Unity can't rotate particle system




I am using the oneShot Explosion_1 from this asset:


I want to rotate it by 90° on the x-axis, but if i change the rotation of the object, or its parent object it has no effect on this particle system.

What i tried yet:

  • disabling velocity over lifetime
  • changing the simulation space to world
  • try to rotate the gameobject with the particle system
  • add the gameobject with the particle system to a parent object and try to rotate that gameobject.
  • change the 3D Start Rotation.
like image 635
AlpakaJoe Avatar asked Oct 14 '18 09:10


1 Answers

@Noblight is on the right track:

Depending on which shape you select, the particles should always fire the way the transform is pointing. Sphere is always 360, hemisphere is always within 90 degrees of forwards, cone always aims the way the transform goes.

Now, down in ForceOverLifeTime and VelocityOverLifetime, the settings for Local/Global really do pick which coord system to use. But not many people use those. For example, "thruster flames" are easy to make with a tight cone and sizeOverTime.

like image 187
Technivorous Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 19:10
