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Concurrent collection enumerator




I'm currently programming my own implementation of priority queue / sorted list and I would like to have it concurrent. In order to have it thread safe I'm using lock(someObject) and I would like to verify some behavior of mutexes in C#.

Inner representation of my sorted list is basically linked list with head and slots linked together. Something like:

internal class Slot
    internal T Value;
    internal Slot Next;

    public Slot(T value, Slot next = null)
        Value = value;
        Next = next;

Every time I'm manipulating with head I have to use lock(someObject)because of thread safety. In order to implement ICollection interface I have to implement public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator(). In this method I have take my head and read from it so I should use mutex.

public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
    lock (syncLock)
        var curr = head;
        while (curr != null)
            yield return curr.Value;
            curr = curr.Next;

My question is: Is syncLock locked for whole time in enumerator (so it will be unlocked after reaching end of the method) or it is automatically unlocked after yielding value?

like image 747
Lukas Forst Avatar asked Mar 12 '18 09:03

Lukas Forst

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1 Answers

Thank you guys from the comments, here's sum up.

Answer: yes, syncLock will be locked for the whole time → hence, it's a really bad idea

Possible solution:

  • make collection not thread safe
  • obtain lock, copy whole collection and return enumerator of this collection @Evk
  • use some kind of boolean flag, set it on true while enumerating over the collection and throw exception when Add, Clear or Remove methods are called -> this is default List behavior @ManfredRadlwimmer
  • make that collection immutable @InBetween
like image 107
Lukas Forst Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10

Lukas Forst