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How to correctly write async XUnit test?

I am using async xUnit tests and I am noticing inconsistent passing behavior:

public async Task FetchData()
    var result = await arrangedService.FetchDataAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

I have gone through the call stack executed by this test and have verified that all of my library code is calling .ConfigureAwait(false) after each task. However, in spite of this, this test and others will intermittently fail when performing a Run All, but pass the asserts and manual inspection when I walk through on the debugger. So clearly I am not doing something correctly. I have tried removing the call to ConfigureAwait(false) in the test itself in case there is a special xUnit synchronization context, but it did not change anything. What is the best way to test asynchronous code in a consistent way?

EDIT Okay here is my attempt to create a super-simplified example of the code that is running to provide an example of what is happening:

using Graph = Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient;

public async Task FetchData()
    var adUsers = baseUsers //IEnumerable<Graph.User>
    var nextPageUsers = Enumerable
        .Range(GoodIdMin, GoodIdMax)
        .Select(number => new Graph.User
            Mail = (-number).ToString()

    var mockUserPages = new Mock<IPagedCollection<Graph.IUser>>();
        .Setup(pages => pages.MorePagesAvailable)
        .Setup(pages => pages.CurrentPage)
        .Returns(new ReadOnlyCollection<Graph.IUser>(adUsers));
        .Setup(pages => pages.GetNextPageAsync())
        .Callback(() =>
                .Setup(pages => pages.CurrentPage)
                .Returns(new ReadOnlyCollection<Graph.IUser>(nextPageUsers));
                .Setup(pages => pages.MorePagesAvailable)

    var mockUsers = new Mock<Graph.IUserCollection>();
        .Setup(src => src.ExecuteAsync())

    var mockGraphClient = new Mock<Graph.IActiveDirectoryClient>();
        .Setup(src => src.Users)

    var mockDbUsers = CreateBasicMockDbSet(baseUsers.Take(10)
        .Select(user => new User
            Mail = user.Mail
    var mockContext = new Mock<MyDbContext>();
        .Setup(context => context.Set<User>())

    var mockGraphProvider = new Mock<IGraphProvider>(); 
        .Setup(src => src.GetClient()) //Creates an IActiveDirectoryClient

    var getter = new UserGetter(mockContext.Object, mockGraphProvider.Object);

    var result = await getter.GetData().ConfigureAwait(false);

    Assert.True(result.Success); //Not the actual assert

And here is the code being executed on the var result = ... line:

public UserGetterResult GetData()
    var adUsers = await GetAdUsers().ConfigureAwait(false);
    var dbUsers = Context.Set<User>().ToList(); //This is the injected context from before
    return new UserGetterResult //Just a POCO
        AdUsers = adUsers
            .Except(/*Expression that indicates whether
             or not this user is in the database*/)
        DbUsers = dbUsers.ProjectTo<User>().ToList() //Automapper 6.1.1

private async Task<List<User>> GetAdUsers()
    var userPages = await client //Injected IActiveDirectoryClient from before
    var users = userPages.CurrentPage.ToList();
        userPages = await userPages.GetNextPageAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
    return users;

The purpose of the code is to get a list of users who are in AD but not the database and a list of users who are in the database.

EDIT EDIT Since I forgot to include this in the original update, the errors are all occurring on calls to `IUserCollection.ExecuteAsync().

like image 929
jokulmorder Avatar asked Jan 29 '18 15:01


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1 Answers

IUserCollection.ExecuteAsync() appears to be configured correctly based on what was shown in the original post.

Now focusing on the following method...

private async Task<List<User>> GetAdUsers() {
    var userPages = await client //Injected IActiveDirectoryClient from before
    var users = userPages.CurrentPage.ToList();
    while(userPages.MorePagesAvailable) {
        userPages = await userPages.GetNextPageAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
    return users;

I am concerned with how user pages was setup in the mock. Given the flow of the GetAdUsers method it would be better to use SetupSequence to mock the repeated calls CurrentPage and MorePagesAvailable.

var mockUserPages = new Mock<IPagedCollection<Graph.IUser>>();
    .SetupSequence(_ => _.MorePagesAvailable)
    .Returns(true) // First time called to enter while loop
    .Returns(false); // Second time called to exit while loop
    .SetupSequence(_ => _.CurrentPage)
    .Returns(new ReadOnlyCollection<Graph.IUser>(adUsers)) // First time called to get List
    .Returns(new ReadOnlyCollection<Graph.IUser>(nextPageUsers)); // Second time called to get next page
    .Setup(pages => pages.GetNextPageAsync())
    .ReturnsAsync(mockUserPages.Object); // No need for callback

Reference Moq Quickstart

like image 126
Nkosi Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10
