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Unity 5 - Scene darkens when switching scenes




Ok, here is a new issue.

I will attach 2 photos. (Note: this is a demo level)

The lighter image is the way the scene is supposed to look when it is loaded. And in fact, it will load that way when I go to the scene and run it in the editor.

But if I load the level using Application.LoadLevel, it loads as the darkened image. Even if I increase the intensity of the light, the level looks completely wrong.

This is happening for all my scenes, please help!

The way the scene is supposed to be...

Darkened scene on Application.LoadLevel...

like image 446
DrRocker Avatar asked Mar 09 '15 20:03


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1 Answers

Go to Window -> Lighting. Click on Scene tab. At the bottom uncheck 'Continuous Baking' and press Build.

This solved the problem for me when using Application.LoadLevel();

like image 51
fuz Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 05:10
