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Unit testing ag-grid in Angular 2

Has someone worked on unit testing ag-grid components in Angular 2?

For me, this.gridOptions.api remains undefined when the test cases run.

like image 742
Satyabrat Kumar Avatar asked Feb 17 '17 13:02

Satyabrat Kumar

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1 Answers

Sorry to be a little late to the party but I was looking for an answer to this just a couple of days ago so wanted to leave an answer for anyone else that ends up here. As mentioned by Minh above, the modern equivalent of $digest does need to be run in order for ag-grid api's to be available.

This is because after the onGridReady() has run you have access to the api's via the parameter, looking like so. This is run automatically when a component with a grid is initialising. Providing it is defined in the grid (gridReady)="onGridReady($event)"

public onGridReady(params)
   this.gridOptions = params;

This now means you could access this.gridOptions.api and it would be defined, you need to re-create this in your test by running detectChanges(). Here is how I got it working for my project.

fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;

fixture.detectChanges(); // This will ensure the onGridReady(); is called

This should inturn result in .api being defined when running tests. This was Angular 6.

Occasionally the test may have to perform an await or a tick:

  it('should test the grid', fakeAsync( async () => {
    // also try tick(ms) if a lot of data is being tested
    // try to keep test rows as short as possible
    // this line seems essential at times for onGridReady to be processed.
    await fixture.whenStable();
    // perform your expects...after the await
like image 55
Dince12 Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 07:10
