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Scala testing with type enrichment

I've become attached to type enrichment, for example

object MyImplicits{
  implicit class RichInt(i: Int){
    def complexCalculation: Int = i * 200 

Which I use in code like this

object Algorithm{
  def apply(rand: Random) = {
    import MyImplicits._
    rand.nextInt.complexCalculation + 1

But how I can isolate and unit test Algorithm now? In particular, I'd like to mock the implemention of complexCalculation, something like this:

class MyAlgorithmTest extends FreeSpec with MockitoSugar{
  import org.mockito.Mockito.when

  "MyApgorithm" {
    "Delegates complex calculation" in {
      val mockRandom = mock[Random]

      // This wouldn't work, but is the kind of thing I'm looking for
      val expected = 1 * 2 + 1

      val result = MyAlgorithm(mockRandom)
      assert(result === expected)
like image 991
Pengin Avatar asked Aug 24 '16 14:08


2 Answers

Implicits enable composition, and when you have composition you typically don't need mocks, because you can substitute implementation for testing. That being said, I'm not a big fan of implicits in this case, just don't see the value they bring. I'd solve it with old school composition (as hinted in my other comment):

trait Calculation {
  def calculation(i: Int): Int

trait ComplexCalculation extends Calculation {
  def calculation(i: Int): Int = i * 200

trait MyAlgorithm {
  self: Calculation =>

  def apply(rand: Random) = {
    calculation(rand.nextInt) + 1

// somewehre in test package

trait MockCalculation extends Calculation {
  def calculation(i: Int): Int = i * 200

//test instance
object MyAlgorithm extends MyAlgorithm with MockCalculation

If you insist on using implicits to do composition, you can do this:

trait Computation {
  def compute(i: Int): Int

object prod {
  implicit val comp = new Computation {
    def compute(i: Int): Int = i * 200

object test {
  implicit val comp = new Computation {
    def compute(i: Int): Int = i + 2

object Algorithm {
  def apply(rand: Random)(implicit comp: Computation) = {
    comp.compute(i) + 1

// application site
import prod._

Algorithm(scala.util.Random) // will run * 200 computation


import test._

Algorithm(scala.util.Random) // will run + 2 computation

This won't give you a dot syntax for computation though. My gut also goes against this approach because this is a very subtle way of defining behavior and it is easy to make a mistake with what import to bring.

like image 96
Tim Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 23:10



trait RichInt {
  def complexCalculation: Int

class RichIntImpl(i: Int) extends RichInt {
  def complexCalculation = i * 200


import scala.util.Random

class Algorithm(enrich: Int => RichInt) {
  implicit val _enrich = enrich
  def apply(rand: Random) = {
    rand.nextInt.complexCalculation + 1

object Algorithm extends Algorithm(new RichIntImpl(_))


import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import scala.util.Random
import org.mockito.Mockito._

class AlgorithmTest extends FreeSpec with MockSugar {

  "MyApgorithm should" - {
    "Delegate the complex calculation" in {
      val mockRandom = mock[Random]
      when(mockRandom.nextInt()) thenReturn 1

      val algorithm = new Algorithm(
        enrich = mocking[Int => RichInt] { enrich =>
          when(enrich(1)).thenReturnMocking { richInt =>

      val expected = 3

      assert(algorithm(mockRandom) === expected)


import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
import org.mockito.stubbing.OngoingStubbing

// More sugars to make our tests look better.
trait MockSugar extends MockitoSugar {

  def mocking[T <: AnyRef : Manifest](behavior: T => Unit): T = {
    val m = mock[T]

  implicit class RichOngoingStubbing[T <: AnyRef : Manifest](stub: OngoingStubbing[T]) {
    def thenReturnMocking(behavior: T => Unit) = {
      val m = mock[T]
      val s = stub.thenReturn(m)
like image 21
thirstycrow Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 23:10
