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Unit test rest controller in kotlin + Spring boot

Edit: I've created another class "Utils" and moved function to that class.

class Utils {
fun isMaintenanceFileExist(maintenanceFile: String) : Boolean {
    /** method to check maintenance file, return True if found else False. */
    return File(maintenanceFile).exists()

I'm testing post API and mocking a method like below:

fun testMaintenanceMode() {
    val mockUtil = Mockito.mock(Utils::class.java)

    // Request body
    val body = "authId=123&[email protected]&confirmationKey=86b498cb7a94a3555bc6ee1041a1c90a"

    // When maintenance mode is on

But I'm not getting expected results.

Controller code:

utilObj = Utils()
fun registerByMail(@Valid data: RequestData) : ResponseEntity<Any>

    // check for maintenance mode, if True return (error code : 9001)
    if(utilObj.isMaintenanceFileExist("maintenanceFilePath")) {
        println("-------- Maintenance file exist. Exiting. --------")
        var error = ErrorResponse(Response(ResponseCode.MAINTENANCE,
        return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body(error)

I want to return true from isMaintenanceFileExist() method in test and want to check for badRequest. Please guide how to achieve this.

like image 338
Avv Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 05:03


1 Answers

From looking at your code snippets I would guess that you're not actually using the mocked Controller instance in your tests. The controller is instantiated by the Spring Boot test runner and not using your mock instance.

I would recommend to extract the isMaintenanceFileExist method into a separate bean and then mock it using @MockBean.

Controller and Util Bean

class MyController(@Autowired private val utils: Utils) {

    fun registerByMail(@RequestBody data: String): ResponseEntity<Any> {

        if (utils.isMaintenanceFileExist("maintenanceFilePath")) {
            println("-------- Maintenance file exist. Exiting. --------")
            return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body("error")
        return ResponseEntity.ok("ok")


class Utils {
    fun isMaintenanceFileExist(maintenanceFile: String) = File(maintenanceFile).exists()

Test Class

class DemoApplicationTests {

    private lateinit var utils: Utils

    private lateinit var mvc: MockMvc

    fun testMaintenanceMode() {

        val body = "test"



See chapter 44.3.7.

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Michi Gysel Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 15:03

Michi Gysel