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Mock a Remote Host in Python

I am writing some functions, using paramiko, to execute commands and create files on a remote host. I would like to write some unit tests for them, but I don't know what would be the simplest way to achieve this? This is what I envisage as being an example outline of my code:

import os
import paramiko
import pytest

def my_function(hostname, relpath='.', **kwargs):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(hostname, **kwargs)
    sftp = ssh.open_sftp()
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("echo hallo > test.txt")

def mock_remote_host():
    # start a remote host here with a local test path
        yield hostname, testpath, {"username":"bob", "password":"1234"}
        # delete the test path
        # close the remote host

def test_my_function(mock_remote_host):
    hostname, dirpath, kwargs = mock_remote_host
    my_function(hostname, **kwargs)
    filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, 'test.txt')
    assert os.path.exists(filepath)

I have had a look at the paramiko test modules, but they seem quite complex for my use case and I'm not sure how to go about simplifying them.

like image 339
Chris Sewell Avatar asked Mar 08 '23 05:03

Chris Sewell

1 Answers

I think what you really need to mock is paramiko.SSHClientobject. You are unittesting your function my_function, you can assume paramiko module works correctly and the only thing you need to unit test is if my_function calls methods of this paramiko.SSHClient in correct way.

To mock paramiko.SSH module you can use unittest.mock and decorate your test_my_function function with @mock.patch.object(paramiko.SSHClient, sshclientmock). You have to define sshclientmock as some kind of Mock or MagicMock first.

Also in python 2.7 there is some equivalent of unittest.mock but I dont remember where to find it exactly.

EDIT: As @chepner mentioned in comment. For python 2.7 you can find mock module in pypi and install it using pip install mock

like image 63
running.t Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 06:03
